Do You Care To be Remembered, When You Die?

im gonna have my head cryoogenically preserved so noone ever forgets what i look like. and then have my body burried face down with my ass in the air with "kiss this" on the tombstone. :D
I'd like to be rememebered by my friends and family... they are the only ones that trully count I guess :shrug:
since i last posted in this thread, coincidentally, i've become very afraid i will not be remembered when i die. i also recently discovered that i have a fear of rotting/decomposing. i was just thinking about such things ealier, and i think it's interesting that when i pop in here tonight, this thread is at the top of the new posts list...
AlphaTroll said:
Gonna be remembered for my incredible charm and diplomacy :rolleyes:

(Thank Paul for allowing me to bump this)

thank the spiders, i was looking at what they where.

I am gonna fade away into the ether, I don't want monuments, statues etc.
A monument of me will be carved out of Mt Everest and clad with gold, bronze, and platinum. Immense speakers will blare out 'remember me!' that can be heard for 100s of miles. Also, a full-time AM station will broadcast 'remember me' 24/7 so that all of the Earth and outer space will know it too.
Maybe I should approach my life like Bill Clinton approached his presidency... worrying all the time about my "legacy."
unclehobart said:
A monument of me will be carved out of Mt Everest and clad with gold, bronze, and platinum. Immense speakers will blare out 'remember me!' that can be heard for 100s of miles. Also, a full-time AM station will broadcast 'remember me' 24/7 so that all of the Earth and outer space will know it too.
psst...just go along with it...he's already laid aside the money for it in a special account with myself as the power of attorney and dontcha know I'll get right on that as soon as I can pull myself out of the pit of margaritas- um, I mean despair- that I will find myself in after he departs.
On second thought, I could secure myself a nice legacy by taking a trip to my friendly local Subaru dealer.
If I'm remembered fine, if not, fine. The people that love me will remember me, at least I hope so, the rest, well, I couldn't care less.
samcurry said:
im gonna have my head cryoogenically preserved so noone ever forgets what i look like. and then have my body burried face down with my ass in the air with "kiss this" on the tombstone. :D

How, exactly, are you gonna be buried face down, when your face is still attached to your head, and is in a jar in a fridge somewhere?