do you smoke?

i do. sad...
that's the american way though.... "hook em while thier young"

you know that Ford moters has started to fund kindergaten through 5th grade classes with nice shiny new things..
oo ima gonna quote myself
hookem while thier young
i started smoking when i was 14. i smoked up until bootcamp at 19. i didn't start back up until i was 21 0r 22. i quit when i got pregnant with mar and started back up when she was 4 months old. quit again when i got pregnant again. started back up when mal was a couple months old. quit again about a year and some....still ciggarette free....hope to stay that way...not real optimistic though....
I smoke.......but not for the last coupla days tho' :( Gotta nasty lung infection at the mo'.

Take note kids.....smokin' don't make ya big or does make yer cough up some intersting coloured spit tho'
Green Stickers said:
Oz, i htought you quit?

LT! Me dear girl! Glad yer made it here :D

Quit......started again......quit.......started again. I keep having periodical lapses of willpower :eh:
Started at 16, influenced by family and friends but when I smoked, I *liked* smoking. It was more than just a habit, I did enjoy it. I always said that if I ever started seeing health affects from smoking, I would quit.

10 years later, after getting bronchitis three times in four months, I had had enough and I just never went back. Cold turkey all the way. I even had a pack of unopened cigarettes in my kitchen drawer for 6 months, never touched them. That's willpower for you. :)
:smoke: Yeppers, I do.... Wish I could quit! Mind over matter alot of ppl say, but its really hard to quit...
I don't smoke (feeling kind of in the minority here). I worry about my friends who smoke, but I know from their experiences that it is so difficult to quit. One of my employees did finally quit cold after smoking for like 16 years - he said it was getting to be a way too expensive habit.... Are cigarettes expensive as hell everywhere? :confused: Here the good stuff is like $5 per pack.
I smoked a pipe for years. Really enjoyed it too. Finally decided to quit, so I did. It wasn't really that hard.
SexyBoo said:
I don't smoke (feeling kind of in the minority here). I worry about my friends who smoke, but I know from their experiences that it is so difficult to quit. One of my employees did finally quit cold after smoking for like 16 years - he said it was getting to be a way too expensive habit.... Are cigarettes expensive as hell everywhere? :confused: Here the good stuff is like $5 per pack.

I don't smoke either. I tried it when I was younger (14), and maybe half-heartedly smoked for about half a year, but then gave up. I saw my mother hacking and coughing, plus my grandad trying to smoke whilst on a breathing maching, and decided it wasn't for me. Been smoke free ever since. Becides, ciggys cost at leat NZ$11 over here, last time I checked. :eek:

Hi LT!! :wave:
Yeah :wave: I do. reduce, reduce, reduce...quit for a few days/weeks Bakc up again. (rinse, repeat)

I guess that I'm not ready for it.
Nope never have,both my parents smoke and always have ,same for my siblings.Guess I'm a freak of nature or abnormal as it were.
I don't smoke, um except when I'm smoking. :D
I get really conscious if I start getting close to the end of a pack,
at the end of the day.
I try to limit my self to 1 pack a day, too keep the cost down.
I would quit, except I don't want too...yet
I do smoke a pipe occasionally, because I really like the BCA tobacco,
and to cut down on cigarettes.
I don't suppose weed counts?

Started smoking ciggies when I was 18, quit earlier this year & going well so far. But I have had the odd ciggy or two when I've been completely pissed outa my tree.

Howzit LT! :wave:
AlphaTroll said:
I don't suppose weed counts?

But I have had the odd ciggy or two when I've been completely pissed outa my tree.

Howzit LT! :wave:

Doesn't count when you've been drinking does it? Friends would get me to hold there packs of cigs when we'd go out drinking,that is till the one night I smoked half a pack in two hours.Never having smoked ,I sure paid for it the next morning ,coughing up a lung and hungover too :suicide: