Does Corporate Money Lead to Political Corruption?

nope, no change here, and hope is fading that Obama has the ability to change himself.

One year into his administration, President Obama might want to consider dropping the "blame Bush" page from his playbook.

Whether it's the economy, national security or America's reputation abroad, the president and his top advisers have been pinning the blame on the prior administration, directly or obliquely, ever since Obama's inauguration a full year ago. They've done so, in fact, at least seven times since last Tuesday's stunning upset in the Massachusetts Senate election.

more evidence that they just still don't get it.

Get with the Peoples New program.

The pres. said the other day "it ain't about me".
I got news for him...oh yes it is NOW.
right. "through eight years of systematic neglect you stunted longer term economic prosperity but i should no longer mention that the economic damage you did will take fucking decades to undo."

nah, it doesn't take years to build infrastructure. to get a population educated to do more than sweep floors. rome was built in a day!

as long as we're on the right team and repeat the chimp slogans, we'll all be great! don't need no engineering courses in school. don't need to get off the couch! america, fuck yeah!!!

obama is not doing a great job. he is floundering. but he was handed nearly the biggest shit sandwich in economic history. maybe some of y'all could stop making yourselves into cartoons for a while, and actually make some kinda realisitic assessment of what's going on and... *gasp* make meaningful commentary.
GWB did good until he tried to work with the left. All the liberal lies and attacks weren't dealt with properly, he tried to take the high-road with them. You cannot work with the far left in good faith, you need to beat them like the unreasonable savage animals that they are.

Obama is actually doing very well for someone with zero experience in the real world. He finally seem to be getting comfortable with his training wheels.

In Obama's defense, he is uniting the better majority of the nation.

Well, if that is the theory.....then put another log on the fire, holmes!

yeah what do you refer?
Got a list, of some figures, of the so-called shit sandwich?

Personally I think it was a scam, made by Dodd, and Frank, and Paulson and others bought in.
Then bailed THemselves out with taxpayer money.

All that still doesn't add up to what was spent in the first year, with near nothing to show for it.
yeah, that's a good point cato.

the economy was doing great at the beginning of 2009. i would really have to provide a lot of evidence to back up this so-called "shit sandwich."

who needs infrastructure and education to run an archaic, extractive economy? nah, let's just go fight some wars to keep our old ways of doing things.

maybe someone will look up 'extractive economy.' nah. that would lead to other things. and other things. and all that don't work good with bumper stickers. hold on i think i can do it...

liberals are dumb! that's the real problem!

liberals are dumb in their namby-pamby orthodoxy but that's beside the point. "conservatives" are just as dumb, so it hardly seems to make a difference. anyway, back to the silly slogans.

america for americans! freedom! no new taxes!

...and with that, i rest my case.
And remember folks: a vote for Scott Brown is really a vote for Obama!

Corporate Money is the honey that leads to salvation.

there is a special rung in hell reserved for you buddy
yeah, that's a good point cato.

the economy was doing great at the beginning of 2009. i would really have to provide a lot of evidence to back up this so-called "shit sandwich."

The way I see it....

Bush, Paulson, and Bernanke, scared the hell out of everybody because
some big wig shits scared them somehow.
They passed that so-called Tarp crap, then that along with other BS helped
Obama get elected, then that scared the hell oughta some big wigs, so they
pulled out of the market which started Really causing job losses, which
in turn compounded the housing debacle.
Then to farther compound it x5 by my calculations, Obama, and congress went on a spending
binge in the name of recovery.

We stopped um in August, and they've been pointing fingers both ways every since.

It's time to quit spending and make all that spent money Work already.

If they can't figure out how to do that, it will only confirm the notions that
they don't know What in the hell they are doing.

If they don't have enough money to work with by now, they never will.
but he was handed nearly the biggest shit sandwich in economic history.

Volunteer work is his specialty.

After a seven hundred billion dollar slush fund (less than 20% has been spent) & a guarantee that unemployment won't go above 8% (if the slush fund is passed RIGHT NOW), this economy belongs the Obama. He volunteered.

maybe some of y'all could stop making yourselves into cartoons for a while, and actually make some kinda realisitic assessment of what's going on and... *gasp* make meaningful commentary.

We're waiting for you to lead th eparade.
New twist!
The pres up out a presser saying he's gonna push for a partial spending freeze.

In light of that, I'll pipe down for now on the money, and we'll see if he gets anywhere with it.

Oh there's gonna be some 'progressive' kicking and screaming on that I bet.

I still think Bernanke is a piece of crap.:p

However, any money from any group is legal & free speech as it is now.

I would be willing to accept a campaign finance law that limits individuals to a (relatively low - say $1000.) maximum donation. It would then outlaw any monetary gift from any organization whatsoever.

If the Board of Directors of Citi-Group wants to donate, they write a private check, from each individual that wishes to donate, but Citi-Group, as a corporation & not a human, could not donate. NRA or SEIU, Wal-Mart or money from a non human.

Mein Gott, I agree with Gonz.:drink2:

I don't think that money = free speech though, so the 1st shouldn't have come into play whatsoever..
Free speech for everyone, you just cannot use any money to deliver the message. No signs or electric amplifications as that requires money. You cannot even spend on fuel to get where you want to speak.

From now on: while you may spreek freely, we are going place limits on how you are allowed to deliver it.