Does Corporate Money Lead to Political Corruption?

Obama money= govt vouchers.

Unions as well corporation need to be backed by flesh. Accountability of ass when things go bad. Too often these jerk-offs build bad models and walk away with the booty leaving others to take the hit. Allow human rights to the ass, make the ass responsible for the assets.
Make individual human beings responsible for the assets... ownership of assets equally by people.Communism.
Bishy loves the communism.
How’s those Canadian unemployment benefits working out for ya there eh?
Individual responsibility of personal assets ≠ communism

So you like the idea that everyone is enslaved to each other equally?


There are few personal assets in communism...there are communal assets. Buildings, water, power, oil, transport etc... THey all win or lose everyone has an interest in maintaining assets.

Enslave? :retard:
There are few personal assets in communism...there are communal assets. Buildings, water, power, oil, transport, rice allotment , bicycles, housing and where you live, number of children, education and designation of profession, the rewards of informing on friends and family when the speak out against the state, no hassles related to owning personal property, free medical and lack of individualism etc... THey all win or lose everyone has an interest in maintaining assets or else.

Enslave?:circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :circle: :banghead:
Oh. What IS that about?

Batista, the US Puppet, was ousted by the rebels (Castro)...shortly after Eisenhower cut the purse-strings and military support (delivery of weapons) to him.

The new ruler (Castro, Fidel), decided to bring in communism and take control over several American-owned assets, such as casinos and hotels..(crime funded). This pissed off a few American 'businessmen', who complained and your GVT reduced imports from Cuba (sugar mostly). Russia took up the slack. Cuban owned assets in the USA were seized.

After the CIA-led Bay of Pigs invasion (failure) and several attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro... Cuba allied itself more deeply with Russia.

The embargo was strengthened..and again after the 'Cuba missile crisis'. Then fell apart in the 1970's - until Reagan reinstated in in the early 80's - he needed an enemy.

So... that's about it.

This law includes a wide variety of provisions intended to bring about "a peaceful transition to a representative democracy and market economy in Cuba":
International Sanctions against the Cuban Government. Economic embargo, any non-US company that deals economically with Cuba can be subjected to legal action and that company's leadership can be barred from entry into the United States. Sanctions may be applied to non-U.S. companies trading with Cuba. This means that internationally operating companies have to choose between Cuba and the US, which is a much larger market.
United States opposition against Cuban membership in International Financial Institutions.
Television broadcasting from the United States to Cuba.
Authorization of United States support for "democratic and human rights groups" and international observers.
Declares United States policy towards a "transition government" and a "democratically elected government" in Cuba.
Protection of property rights of certain United States nationals.
Exclusion of certain aliens from the United States, primarily senior officials or major stock holders, and their families, of companies that do business in Cuba on property expropriated from American citizens. To date, executives from Italy, Mexico, Canada, Israel, and the United Kingdom have been barred.
Provides power to the Legislative Branch to override an Executive Branch cancellation of the embargo.
Prohibits the completion of the Juragua Nuclear Power Plant.
Prompts for the retirement of former Soviet Union personnel out of Cuban military and intelligence facilities, including the military and intelligence facilities at Lourdes and Cienfuegos.
Prohibits recognition of a transitional government in Cuba that includes Fidel or Raúl Castro
Prohibits recognition of a Cuban government that has not provided compensation for U.S. certified claims against confiscated property, defined as non-residential property with an excess of $50,000 value in 1959.
Prompts for extradition or otherwise rendition to the United States of all persons sought by the United States Department of Justice for crimes committed in the United States.
The Helms-Burton act 1993
and your saying that's why people left from down there, and still don't want to go back?

I don't see the connection with those events.

That 'blockade' has nothing to do with the 'people' that's gov. stuff.