Doing Laundry

PuterTutor said:
So do I. It wouldn't be so bad if there was some kind of auto fold button. I can load the machines all day, it's the folding that sucks.

Absolutely! I'll start a wash and then forget because I'll go do something else...Then I'll be loading the dryer at midnight! Big Pain!! :p
i'd like a maid...

hmm... i'll be living in a house with 9 or 10 people come the summer... perhaps we could hire a housekeeper between us... mm...

/me wanders off looking thoughtfull
I always leave the wash in the dryer and forget about it so they're all nice and wrinkled when they come out. I used to have to do the laundry when I lived at home, that was the worst chore. Daily laundry for 6 people gets to be a little much.
Try it for 8. It was caught up on Wednesday, With towels, I did 8 loads today. Last load is in the dryer. Whites. I hate whites. I may pick the shirts out and let the kids handle the socks.
One time I did laundry because I had been wearing the same pair of pants for 2 weeks :lol:
Another time I wore a pair of plaid shorts for a week :lol:
When I lived down in Gainesville going to UF we always took our laundry to have it done. It was only about $.40 a pound. What a bargain. I've got a huge stack that's piled up over the weekend. There's a load in the washing machine that's already been washed twice because I didn't take it out in time. *sigh* I'm trying to decide whether to mess with it tonight, or just leave it for tomorrow. :(
Tomorrow. There is always tomorrow, and if there's not, well, it doesn't matter anyway. :headbang:
*breaks into song...

The laundry will get done tomorrow!
I'll do it tomorrow.
You can bet your bottom dollar
that tomorrow it'll get done.
PuterTutor said:
Try it for 8. It was caught up on Wednesday, With towels, I did 8 loads today. Last load is in the dryer. Whites. I hate whites. I may pick the shirts out and let the kids handle the socks.

Yeah, I'd say 8 is worse than 6! That's so funny, socks were my least favorite too. I would fold the rest of the stuff and leave the socks in the basket for everyone to pick and match. I still do that at home and there's only two of us. :D
Gawd, I hate folding socks. I try to be good, though, and fold them as they come out of the dryer. I try to fold everything like that. Once stuff goes into the basket, it's weeks before it gets folded. And then it's usually because Jan finally got disgusted with not being able to find any socks and did it herself. :p

So far, I've only done about half of what was sitting in the floor this morning. I'm counting on the pot roast to distract Jan from the laundry that still needs to be done. :(
It was pretty good. I marinated it overnight in Lawry's mesquite marinade. That seems to help tenderize them and it gives them a great flavor. :)
That's good Ards. Have to remember, food can almost always distract from laundry.
Geez. I usually get by with 4 loads...First is the whites, as they use hot water...then comes the bed sheets...also hot water...then the permanent press...warm water (by now the water heater is getting close to empty)...and finally, the brights...which use cold water.
One load, all cold water here. Only "casualty" so far has been a white bra which now has a slight blue tint after washing it with a new pair of dark jeans.

If I have something that is new and likely to run I will usually wash it alone with salt the first time.
Gato_Solo said:
Geez. I usually get by with 4 loads...First is the whites, as they use hot water...then comes the bed sheets...also hot water...then the permanent press...warm water (by now the water heater is getting close to empty)...and finally, the brights...which use cold water.

That's what I try to do. The cold water goes in at a trickle, and takes forever to fill up the tub. If I use up all the hot water first, then I can put it on the warm/warm setting and fill up the tub with cold water a lot quicker.

I'm down to one more load to wash, two to dry. That will have me caught up... for about half a day. :eh:
You may want to pull the cold water line off of your washer, there is usually a little screen inside the hose or just inside the machine. It sounds like it's clogged.
PuterTutor said:
You may want to pull the cold water line off of your washer, there is usually a little screen inside the hose or just inside the machine. It sounds like it's clogged.

Yeah, I tried to do something with it once before and didn't have much luck. That was several years ago. I guess I could take another look at it...