Don't upset it, it'll attack...


New Member
I managed to get this picture of a rare species called 'killer bunnies'. You sure don't want to mess with them...


(it's Shadowfax's bunny actually, he'll explain ;))


martin's killer bunny.jpg, 79.44kb

Now what would be really special was an action shot of the bunny wearing his Navy Seal outfit™ :headbang:
Be've gotta be really careful with this's not like you can sneak up unnoticed :)

It takes caution, caution and time...but as soon as I get a clear shot, I'll post it! :headbang:
I took a pic of my rabbit the other day too. His name is Cosmic but I call him Sid Vicious, cos he's the meanest baddest son of a bitch ever.
I had rabbits for a bit, they were nice. :)

But then they started chewing wires, and the wires they chewed were the wires for hubby's power tools.

I can't have rabbits anymore. :(
:laugh: @ Les

I used to have hamsters. Once, one of them went missing and we found him in the draw under the television where we kept all the manuals and stuff. He had ripped them all completely into shreds and made a cosy little nest - in which he was curled up fast asleep.

He bites to kill.

He just never bit, so I really can't tell if that's true or not :D

He just sneakes up from behind, and takes one out without anybody noticing...
insert penis here said:
That bunny is so blatently stoned. :p

I agree, he looks pretty ripped. Could just be thinking really hard about how to take out the goat fucker with the camera though too.
omg, I think it's so cute that Shadow has a bunny! :)

you do know that chicks dig that sort of thing, right? :brow: