Drink of choice


Staff member
What's your drink of choice for...

...sitting and having a drink and good conversation with an old friend?
...getting loaded out of your mind?
...having with dinner?
...getting drunk but remaining sensible?

...sitting and having a drink and good conversation with an old friend?
Something creamy and blended like a mudslide or something.

...getting loaded out of your mind?
Tequilla, straight up or in a margaritta depending on the setting

...having with dinner?
Fruity martinis, raspberry specifically, banana is good too

...getting drunk but remaining sensible?
Vodka Seven...they give me a nice buzz but I keep my wits about me when drinking vodka.
...sitting and having a drink and good conversation with an old friend?
Whisky and mineral water.

...getting loaded out of your mind?
Whisky and mineral water.

...having with dinner?
Milk. Our dinners are different.

...getting drunk but remaining sensible?
Whisky and mineral water.
A. Southern Comfort, straight up.

B. WAS Rolling Rock before Anhauser Busch bought it out; now most anything cold.

C. Depends on the dinner.

d. Melonball shooters.
...sitting and having a drink and good conversation with an old friend?
beer or wine

...getting loaded out of your mind?
Don't tend to bother getting drunk.

...having with dinner?
beer or wine depending on the food (I never eat dinner without wine or beer)

...getting drunk but remaining sensible?
Don't tend to bother getting drunk.

I drink every day, so I guess that forgoes the 'novelty' of getting fdrunk.
Beer or the odd mixed drink that strikes my fancy - I don't drink to get drunk either....of course sometimes it happens but it's rather infrequent.
HOLY FUCK! NIXY! You NEED to try a Chambord margarita!

3/4 shot of Chambord
1 1/2 shot of tequila (I used Sauza white)
3/4 shot of Cointreau
4 1/2 shots of Cuervo margarita mix (the kind with no alcohol)
Shake with ice cubes and pour.
...sitting and having a drink and good conversation with an old friend? beer
...getting loaded out of your mind? beer primarily... but I've done it 10 different ways.
...having with dinner? beer or wine
...getting drunk but remaining sensible? amaretto, basically heavy liquer style drinks that carry enough calories to keep the system from being alcohol overwhelmed.
*pops head in*

did someone mention beer?

socialising with old friend ? wine .. but i likes beer too! (depends very much on the friend - or rather the conversation / gig with that friend) ... mostly beer ... but the 'socialising' thing lends more to wine ...)

getting plastered?
not picky - tho' i am not really into that so much nowadays

meal? Wine

... i'm not sure the last one really applies that much ... :tomato: ???
HOLY FUCK! NIXY! You NEED to try a Chambord margarita!

3/4 shot of Chambord
1 1/2 shot of tequila (I used Sauza white)
3/4 shot of Cointreau
4 1/2 shots of Cuervo margarita mix (the kind with no alcohol)
Shake with ice cubes and pour.

*looks at bottle of Sauza white in her closet*

I don't have any of the rest of it but me thinks I've got the most important ingrediant anyway :shrug:

Seriously though, the next time I'm drinking at home (be it mine or someone else's) I'll try to get the stuff to try that :)
Beer or the odd mixed drink that strikes my fancy - I don't drink to get drunk either....of course sometimes it happens but it's rather infrequent.

Yeah...still love beer but I have discovered that I absolutely love irish whisky. There is nothing better than a Jameson and ginger.
...sitting and having a drink and good conversation with an old friend?
Whisky and mineral water.

...getting loaded out of your mind?
Whisky and mineral water.

...having with dinner?
Milk. Our dinners are different.

...getting drunk but remaining sensible?
Whisky and mineral water.

Still the same, but I'd like to add these 2 drinks: plain whisky and beer. :D
...sitting and having a drink and good conversation with an old friend? Beer if it's just sittin' around, beer or wine if it's with a meal.

...getting loaded out of your mind?
Vodka, Tequila - takes too many damn beers to do it and it's hell on my guts to knock back enough to get sauced.

...having with dinner? Wine with most. Beer with BBQd foods, Bloody Mary with some.

...getting drunk but remaining sensible? Beer, or Vodka neat.

Also like VSoP or Brandy with a cigar, the odd Scotch and JD on occasion.