unclehobart said:
"what I did with the ping pong balls? well i'll tell you I.." then he died.
That's just fucking wrong.
Ok, longest bad joke I know.
There's this fly flying over a river. Down in the water is a fish, the fish is looking up at the fly and thinking, "If that fly would just drop six inches, I could jump out of the water and get it." Well, on the shore is a Bear, and the bear is watching the fly and the fish thinking "If that fly just drops six inches, the fish will jump out of the water and get it, and I can grab that fish without getting wet" Well, across the shore is a mouse, the mouse is watching a sandwich sitting on a picnic basket, and the bear across the river thinking "When that bear swipes at that fish, those people will look across the river and I can go get that sandwich." Well, theres a cat, watching the mouse, thinking "When that bear swipes at that fish, the people are going to look across the river and the mouse is going to go for that sandwich, then I can catch the mouse while he's concentrating on the sandwich"
Well, sure enough, the fly drops six inches, the fish jumps out of the water, catches the fly, the bear swipes at the fish, catching it. The people look across the river, the mouse goes for the sandwich and the cat pounces, and misses, falling into the river.
The moral: Whenever a fly drops six inches, a pussy is gonna get wet.
Best joke:
A chicken and an egg are sitting in bed, the chicken is smoking a cigarette and the egg looks really pissed off. Suddenly the egg says "WELL, I guess that answers that question."