Dumbing down in Britain

well i'm fed up with your overly aggressive PMs as well.:erm:

i'm even sending back those slippers you left in my rec room.
Overly aggressive PMS can be a real problem. Midol has been clinically proven to reduce the symptoms however.

And if that fails, I suggest progressing straight to a bourbon whiskey named after some dead guy. PMS might still rage, but you won't give a shit.
Funny, I prefer bourbon and Karmel Sutra myself. :lloyd:

hmmm. interesting. mythical figures and the guy or gal with that actual name are often quite different. i'm not sure i'd choose to beleive the 'reality' of how churchill has been constructed.

cuz there' the mythical, miserly and rational ben franklin ...who was only miserly when dirt poor and really liked to chase skirts and drink a lot...

Young men, too, according to some historians...

2minkey said:
and, dare i say, that mythical cultural hero, good old honest abe lincoln.

Ahh...the segregationist who propogated a war to ensure profits for the populous Northeast over the agrarian South and only declaring slaves 'free' in order to cause uprisings and revolts on the plantations.

2minkey said:
not that them thar brits are making such distinctions. meh, they're prolly just dumb. or ignant.

No more so than anyone else. Just look at some of the older posts here about how stupid US citizens are...just because they don't know who Millard Filmore was...
Millard Filmore is the guy responsible for the bathtub races in Moravia, NY. There was also some shit about bathtubs in the Whitehouse but I was pretty well "tanked" by that point. :lloyd:
No more so than anyone else. Just look at some of the older posts here about how stupid US citizens are...just because they don't know who Millard Filmore was...

"us 'mericans ain't no good at philosophyin,' we're just good god fearin' folk that's good at fixin' stuff and workin.'"

-first person rephrase of de tocqueville, crevecoeur, et al
Overly aggressive PMS can be a real problem. Midol has been clinically proven to reduce the symptoms however.

And if that fails, I suggest progressing straight to a bourbon whiskey named after some dead guy. PMS might still rage, but you won't give a shit.


those are my initials

no joke