New Member
Philly? The city of brotherly love? ... unless you are a brother.
Whatever it is I did, I didn't do it
Can we please not use that F word? It's extremely offensive... I'm not even homosexual and I cringe at the sound/sight of that word.
It means unnatural, defective, and abberant? Funny... didn't see any of those words in any definition of the word gay. Ever.
queer /kwɪər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kweer] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, verb, noun
1. strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different; singular: a queer notion of justice.
2. of a questionable nature or character; suspicious; shady: Something queer about the language of the prospectus kept investors away.
3. not feeling physically right or well; giddy, faint, or qualmish: to feel queer.
4. mentally unbalanced or deranged.
5. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive.
a. homosexual.6. Slang. bad, worthless, or counterfeit.
b. effeminate; unmanly.
–verb (used with object)
7. to spoil; ruin.
8. to put (a person) in a hopeless or disadvantageous situation as to success, favor, etc.
9. to jeopardize.
10. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a homosexual, esp. a male homosexual.
11. Slang. counterfeit money.
12. queer the pitch, British Informal. to spoil the chances of success.
[Origin: 1500–10; perh. < G quer oblique, cross, adverse]
—Related forms
queerly, adverb
queerness, noun
—Synonyms 1. unconventional, curious, freakish, eccentric, weird. See strange.
—Antonyms 1. ordinary.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
But you're ok with the term 'fag hag'?![]()
Never been to Philadelphia have you? Or Erie? Or Milwaukee? Or Chicago? Or St Louis?
Just because it doesn't reinforce your stereotypes and prejudices, it doesn't make it untrue.Hate crimes in erie? LAWL.
I get that you're trying to say that it's an opinion enough times to convince us that it's just you "expressing your opinion" after you were called on it.Anyway, I can say that I "know" something to be true because as far as I am concerned, it is true. That's an opinion, but I see it as the truth. Get it?
The people make the forum. If "us people" left then there wouldn't be much of a forum at all. And for this being such a terrible forum, you sure do "grace" us with your presence an awful lot.You people make this entire forum almost unbearable.
"Hi, kettle! I'm pot! You're black."I liked it here until I decided to get into these little debates... especially ones on the gay topic, and because every single one of you have an idea as to what is normal, what should be allowed, what should be accepted, and what is oh so wrong, and anyone that tries to tell you different (me or anyone else) you just rip on them like crazy.
So why do you keep telling us how stupid and bigoted we are for not agreeing with you?Doesn't anyone realize that it's a waste of time? I'm never going to change anyone's opinion, you're not going to change anyone's opinion, they're not going to change mine... everyone is wrong in someone elses eyes, and everyone is right in their own.
Someone who knows you less well than myself might read that and think you had no point.Considering that I work with a 4year old and a 5 month old, you'd think it'd be harder to annoy me...
Doesn't anyone realize that it's a waste of time? I'm never going to change anyone's opinion, you're not going to change anyone's opinion,
Interestingly enough, after perusing 2005 hate crime statistics from the FBI...
According to this page, there were a total of 134 hate crimes reported for all of Arkansas. I think Arkansas is a pretty "southern" state. Of the 134 hate crimes, 97 were classified as race crimes, 10 religion, 16 sexual orientation and 11 ethnicity. That's 205 reporting police agencies covering a population of just over 1.7 million people. Disclaimer: there are just under 2.7 million people in that state, so not every agency reported for 2005, although it should also be mentioned that not every agency in Pennsylvania or Ohio or Massachussetts reported either. Little Rock did not report, apparently, so just to be fair, let's double the number of sexual orientation hate crimes, to 32 among 2.7 million people. Hell, let's triple it, to 48 among 2.7 million people, just for shits and giggles, since according to the "gay expert," gays are so unsafe in the south.
Meanwhile, according to the statistics for California, there were 47 sexual orientation hate crimes in San Francisco. San Francisco, by the way, has a population of 744,041 people. San Francisco, of course, is supposed to be homo heaven, a mecca of tolerance, full of gay people and people sympathetic to gays. But take the per capita numbers and it seems like it's safer to be gay in Arkansas than to be gay in San Francisco.
Oh, also, according to the statistics, West Hollywood (population 35,716), which is the gay capital of Southern California, and was the first city to have a majority-gay city council, had 10 sexual orientation hate crimes in 2005.
you can skew the statistics of a hate crime more.
I did not think that just because of a higher population you could skew it any more than if you had a low population? You can skew it as much as you like regardless of population (and often people will skew it for their agendas)
I have said for years now that America has been divided into distinct classes and if one were to view this class distinction as a Totem the bottom spot would be occupied by a White, Christian, Heterosexual, male with no disabilities.
The top of the Totem would be occupied by a Black, Athiest, Homosexual, woman who is disabled.
For those who doubt this simply answer this one simple question: Can you name just one city, county, state, or federal program that is geared to White, Christian, Heterosexual males with no disabilities?
Change any one of those five criteria and you could emphatically answer "Yes". Other than that, your answer is, and will remain, "No".
To illustrate:
In America, you and I should be able to stand toe to toe with our noses almost touching screaming epithets, slurs, and hateful dialogue and there should be no crime in that; nor should the government intervene. It is at the point that our noses touch that the government has the authority to mandate that we be protected from others for the general welfare of society. As long as there is no actual harm done by one to another, the government has no say. There is no right enumerated in the Constitution, regardless of how much any group wants it to be so, that protects us from being offended.
Hate crimes legislation has nothing to do with hate. It has to do with power -- the kind of power that is gained by the oldest method there is -- divide and conquer -- the virtual Balkanization, the factionalization as it were, of America. I use the following to illustrate this point.
As stated previously. Imagine, if you will, that these factions are a totem. At the bottom of the totem is a White, Heterosexual, Christian, male with no disabilities. At the top of the totem is a Black, female, Homosexual, Athiest who is disabled. If you doubt this analysis, simply name one -- just one -- local, county, state, or federal program that is directed toward White male Heterosexual Christians with no disabilities. You can't. Simply change any one of those five criteria, however, and there are programs galore.
So let's examine who wields the power and why.
Women now outnumber men and are the most powerful faction by sheer numbers.
Minorities are the second most powerful faction with Blacks wielding the most power among them. This is because they have the most effective and vocal leaders. That vaunted position won't last, however.
The next most powerful faction are the religions with the Jews wielding the most power; but the Atheists are quickly gaining in influence and, in some cases, wield more influence. The Jews are still gleaning power from the Holocaust (as they should, lest we forget) and the Atheists can knock any religion with impunity -- especially Christianity. In the aspect of politics, however, Atheists wield Constitutionally mandated power granted by activist judges while the Jews hold no such mandate -- thus the Atheists' position at the top of the totem and the most points for religion.
The Homosexual movement comes next as they are vocal, visual, and they also have effective leaders.
Lastly comes the disabled as they are not as numerous, vocal, or represented. Yes, they got sidewalk ramps, parking places, and lower light switches but most people feel that they have been appeased.
So where do you score on the totem? I have weighted each faction or sub-faction on a Binary scale (start with 1, double it, and keep doubling each subsequent result). This prevents any two combinations of factions from scoring the same score thus assuring your unique position on the totem. Here are the scores. Simply add together your faction scores.
If you are not disabled, your score is 0
If you are disabled, your score is 1
If you are Heterosexual, your score is 0
If you are Homosexual, your score is 2
If you are a Christian, your score is 0
If you are a non-Christian, other than Jewish, your score is 4
If you are Jewish, your score is 8
If you are Atheist, your score is 16
If you are White, your score is 0
If you are a minority, other than Black, your score is 32
If you are Black, your score is 64
If you are male, your score is 0
If you are female, your score is 128
My score is 0 as I am a White (0) male (0) Christian (0) Heterosexual (0) with no disabilities (0).
My wife's score is 160 as she is a female (128) Mexican/Yakima Indian (32) Heterosexual (0) Christian (0) with no disabilities (0).
How do you score?
Now most people, without knowing the information I imparted to you at the top of this post, would say "He is one sick ass, homophobic, racist, mysogenistic, anti-semitic son-of-a-bitch."
Labels can sometimes fool you.
And you actually believe that. I'm shocked. Almost to the point of speechlessness...almost. I'll hand you back a few examples...
A minority convicted of a crime is usually given a harsher penalty than a caucasion. A minority is more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than a caucasion. A minority is more likely looked upon with suspicion than a caucasion...even by other minorities. A minority is more likely protrayed as being a criminal in the media. A minority is more likely to be a victim of a crime by a caucasion than a caucasion being victimized by a minority. Your 'totem pole' is extremely wobbly. I suggest you find a new angle. As for my facts, they are easily accessible on the FBI website.
A minority convicted of a crime is usually given a harsher penalty than a caucasion. A minority is more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than a caucasion. A minority is more likely looked upon with suspicion than a caucasion...even by other minorities. A minority is more likely protrayed as being a criminal in the media. A minority is more likely to be a victim of a crime by a caucasion than a caucasion being victimized by a minority.