"Dumbledore is gay," says Rowling.

Like people with their soul in their anus.

You truly are about as smart as a bag of rocks, aren't you?

The anus is the sphincter at the end of your rectum. There is nothing "in" the anus but a circular muscle system. Without it, you would likely be sitting in a pile of your own poo right now.

The prostate is located adjacent to the rectum.

If you are going to be snide, at least know what you are talking about.

For your edification:

work-unfriendly (in my opinion) image removed - Leslie


A healthy prostate is around an inch and a half in diameter and shaped like a plum. It's wedged in the pelvic cavity with the fatter end below the urinary bladder, on top of the base of the penis and in front of the rectum. The urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder down the penis, runs through it.
yeah we all know this from basic biology courses.

tell us about the heart and soul.

what's so special about the prostrate (sic)?

Yeah, yeah, I picked up on that and corrected it in the original post but you had already fallen in love so it still appears incorrectly in your sig line. The second iteration is correct, though, but you will continue to ignore that, I'm sure.

The heart and soul of every man's sexuality is located adjacent to the rectum. That is why the doctor is able to give you, or maybe not you, a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE).

work-unfriendly (in my opinion) image removed - Leslie


Betcha ya never saw that one in basic biology, huh?

The prostate is where the "feel good" portion of the orgasm is generated as well as the semen which carries the sperm through the urethra. Light pressure on the prostate has a pleasurable effect and thus is often used as an enhancement to both hetero and homosexual congress. Whether this pleasurable feeling is generated by a finger or penis is mostly acedemic as one requires homosexuality while the other can be either hetero or homosexual in nature.

There has been much press generated about chemical castration of sex offenders but that only requires that the medication be discontinued for full restoration.

There has also been some mention of surgical castration but that merely requires the use of hormones to overcome the loss of natural hormones caused by the removal of the testes. The offender would still be able to achieve orgasm as the prostate remains.

Remember that part about where the good feeling comes from -- the prostate? Well, to eliminate sex offenders from the picture it would require castration, penisectomy, and prostatectomy to remove all of the sex offender's weapons.

So that is what is so "special" about the prostate.

Any other questions I can help you with??
I love how people complain about this thread being "gay", and immediately following that, look! pictures of the male reproductive system!

By the way, this thread cannot possibly be "gay", because:

1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.

This thread is not merry, bright, or showy.

It also, in case you meant that it's homosexual, it doesn't even technically exist as it's just a shitlod of pixels and nothing more.

By the way, it's not "gay" in the sense of:

Originally meant joyful, vibrant, and full of life.

Now it's used by ignorant (and often prejudiced) people to describe something that they don't like. It's especially common among teenage boys, who use it to look cool or to "hide" their insecurity about gay people.

I love how people complain about this thread being "gay", and immediately following that, look! pictures of the male reproductive system!

Guess you missed the part about the prostate exam, but to each his /her own...

Error said:
By the way, this thread cannot possibly be "gay", because:

1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.

This thread is not merry, bright, or showy.

It also, in case you meant that it's homosexual, it doesn't even technically exist as it's just a shitlod of pixels and nothing more.

By the way, it's not "gay" in the sense of:

Originally meant joyful, vibrant, and full of life.

Now it's used by ignorant (and often prejudiced) people to describe something that they don't like. It's especially common among teenage boys, who use it to look cool or to "hide" their insecurity about gay people.


And since most homosexual males refer to themselves as gay, where does that leave your definition? You can equate that with a word meaning "bundle of sticks".
I did say gay also refers to 'homosexual'.... "in case you meant that it's homosexual, it doesn't even exist" etc.

I just replied that way because it irritates me when people use the word "gay" to describe something other than a homosexual or (for whatever reason) they're using it for its original definition.

Gay does not and has never meant anything negative! It doesn't mean stupid. It never has and never will.
The term Gay is an attempt to change the meaning of an existing word. Happens quite a bit but usually the latter term doesn't completely redefince the word, it's just adds a number.

Having a gay old time...wanna bet your first thougt wasn't The Flinstones. Although, in all honesty, if there was a word for th ehomosexual crowd to take, gay probably is it. Did anybody under 85 ever use it before it got changed?
I do wonder if Richard Harris knew he was supposed to be playing a homosexual. Although, I expect Michael Gambon was told .... hence that stupid rubber band in the beard.
Now it's used by ignorant (and often prejudiced) people to describe something that they don't like. It's especially common among teenage boys, who use it to look cool or to "hide" their insecurity about gay people.


It's a figure of speech, and keep your smarmy insults to yourself. Kthx?
