"Dumbledore is gay," says Rowling.

It's a miracle.

:grinno: Well, you see there's a bee...

BTW, I guess that means you're also blissfully unaware of the fact that quite a few gay folks are married to folks of the opposite sex (sometimes also gay, sometimes not) specifically because they want to raise a family and that's the path of least resistance (also far and away the most cost effective). The depth and breadth of the collective ignorance on the subject of gay society here is frankly incredible.

I'll bet you wear a butt plug around just so's the heathen queers don't sneek (sic) up behind you and fuck your ass while you're not looking, huh? :rolleyes:

Why? Do you want to watch if they do? Do you get off on watching anal rape? Got lots of homosexual rape porn on your computer; and you sit and masturbate to it every night in the dark?

BTW, I guess it never occurs to you that a fair few gay people have kids. Don't reckon that's whay they want to participate in Boy Scouts (an organization that I have exactly zero use for anymore) do you?

It occurs to me every time I see Rosie O'Donnell.

You may have no use for the Boy Scouts but it seems that the homosexual community is very, very interested in them. They are so pissed off that the chicken hawks

Chicken - Anyone who is under the legal age of consent. Young gays & lesbians.

Chicken Hawk - Someone who is attracted to under-age partners.
are not allowed to get in there to fuck little boys that the activist homosexuals in public office are punishing the Boy Scouts.


Boy Scouts' Rent Skyrockets in Philadelphia to $200K Over Gay Ban
Friday, October 19, 2007

By Catherine Donaldson-Evans

The Boy Scouts' anti-gay policy is turning out to be a pricey proposition for its Philadelphia chapter — one that will cost about $200,000 a year, to be exact.

The city has ordered the organization to pay a fair-market rent of $200,000 — $199,999 more than its current $1 annual rate — to maintain its longtime offices in a landmark Philadelphia building because of its refusal to allow openly gay Scouts and Scout leaders.

City Solicitor says Romulo L. Diaz Jr. contends that Mayor John Street, City Council and the Fairmount Park Commission (which oversees historic properties) have been asking the Scouts for the past year to submit a clear-cut anti-discrimination policy, and they haven't done so. In order to comply with Philadelphia laws, he said, he has given the Scouts a choice: agree definitively in writing to stop discriminating, or pay a new rent at market value.

"They had been put on notice over the last year by the mayor, the City Council and the Fairmount Park Commission that they had a choice to make," Diaz said in a phone interview. "They need to provide evidence that they would not engage in discriminatory practices against gays as either Scout masters or Boy Scouts. .... They have either not responded or essentially played the victim."

The Boy Scouts' Philadelphia branch, called the Cradle of Liberty Council, argues that its hands are tied because of the national chapter's refusal to reverse its anti-gay policy — even though, it says, it tried to fight it a few years ago.

The city Scouts say they agreed on a compromise with the prior solicitor — which involved the adoption of a promise not to engage in "unlawful discrimination" similar to one the New York chapter has — and claims the current solicitor has an ulterior motive because he himself is openly gay.

"We adopted a non-discrimination policy in 2005 with the city's help, which is ironic now," said Cradle of Liberty spokesman Jeff Jubelirer. "Since that time, there's been no one challenging the policy, no reports of discrimination. Nothing has come to the public's attention. And yet the current solicitor thinks this language is not clear enough.

"It's been reported that the solicitor is openly homosexual — and who cares — but I wonder if it's something that he and members of the activist gay community want: to kick the Boy Scouts out of their building."

Diaz declined to answer questions about his sexual orientation, but said it was irrelevant because his job was to enforce what the city has voted and agreed on.

"I'm doing my job," he said. "I'm taking it on because I was directed by the mayor, City Council and the Fairmount Park Commission."

The Beaux Arts 1928-era building stands on land owned by the city, and Philadelphia officials say they can't legally rent taxpayer-owned property for such a low sum to a private group known to discriminate. The Boy Scouts have use of the entire historic building and its parking lot, according to Diaz.

"Wouldn't you expect the Cradle of Liberty Council to really set the example for what in 2007 we would expect in a modern civil society, to be inclusive and welcome everyone to their ranks?" the solicitor said.

The Cradle of Liberty Council has until Dec. 3 of this year to either accept the new $200,000 rent or vacate the building. They will have to start paying the spiked rent in order to avoid being evicted from Beaux Arts, located at 22nd and Winter streets, after May 31, 2008.

Jubelirer said that though the Boy Scouts of America won't allow openly gay members or leaders, there is something of a "don't ask, don't tell" policy within the organization.

"We know there are gay Scouts," he said. "Of course there are. We don't care. Nobody cares. We tried to change the policy. National wouldn't allow us. We're trying to do the right thing as all parties are concerned."

Diaz said such a philosophy is contradictory, and is still flat-out discrimination.

"You cannot welcome people when you say to them publicly, you're not welcome if you're gay, but privately you can come in," he said. "No one is going to feel welcome or want to apply. It's like (posting a job and saying), if you're a homosexual, don't apply here. That should enrage people."

The Girl Scouts of America — including the Philadelphia chapter — has no such anti-gay policy.

"The Girl Scouts of America do not discriminate," Diaz said. "They pay for the use of city facilities. Why wouldn't you expect the Boy Scouts of America to meet the standards of the Girl Scouts? (Because they don't want homosexual scout leaders treating their boy scouts ike girl scouts, that's why. -- j) There is no major non-profit that I'm aware of in Philadelphia that allows that kind of discrimination."

Scouting officials will ask the city solicitor for details on the appraisals that yielded the $200,000 figure, which Jubelirer called "shocking."

The higher rent money "would have to come from programs. That's 30 new Cub Scout packs, or 800 needy kids going to our summer camp," he said. (So they don't care how many kids they harm as long as they get to fuck little boys. -- j)

The city and the Scouts have been disputing the matter for years, but haven't been able to reach an agreement. Diaz contends that his office has sent numerous letters since the summer of 2006 informing the Scouts of the city's stance, but to no avail.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that the Scouts, as a private group, have a First Amendment right to bar gays from membership. (Rights? What are those? The right to fuck little boys supercedes and cancels all other rights. -- j)

The Philadelphia branch adopted a nondiscrimination policy in 2003, but was ordered to revoke it by the National Council, which said local chapters cannot deviate from national rules barring participation by anyone who is openly gay.

Jubelirer said he isn't sure why the national Boy Scouts refuse to change the anti-homosexual policy.

"There's a long history, whether it be morals or what have you," he said. "It's just something they feel very strongly about."

The Cradle of Liberty Council serves about 64,000 scouts in Philadelphia and its suburbs in two nearby counties.

They've been at the Beaux Arts building since it went up in 1928.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
hey peel -

what amazes me is that you claim to know 'em so well yet yer still on the 'fresh meat' and 'recruitment' trip. that does not quite add up. i've had people joke with me and tell me i'm attractive many times, but it didn't mean fuck-all. and i wasn't worried about getting GHB'd and plooked.
jimpeel, interestingly, the vast majority of gay men are not pedophiles. Pedohilia is something else. Perhaps the distinction is to much for your intellect? Personally I think you fear what you fear becoming.
:grinno: Well, you see there's a bee...

BTW, I guess that means you're also blissfully unaware of the fact that quite a few gay folks are married to folks of the opposite sex (sometimes also gay, sometimes not) specifically because they want to raise a family and that's the path of least resistance (also far and away the most cost effective). The depth and breadth of the collective ignorance on the subject of gay society here is frankly incredible.
Don't forget cloyingly sarcastic. I always aim for sarcastic.
jimpeel, interestingly, the vast majority of gay men are not pedophiles. Pedohilia is something else.
But a huge minority of them ARE their sexualty.

Its not PC to suggest it, but it is my observation that the %'s are higher.

But then again, AIDs was not a gay thing, but it is, . . .sorta. :shrug:
Well IMO homosexuality is unnatural, and there is a reason why sodomy is against the laws.
The laws, like many of our founding principles, that PC is tearing down, solved
Do away with the foundation, and the problems return.
1. Studies of known pedophiles don't reflect that the percentages are any higher. :shrug: Empirical evidence is fine as far as it goes but unless you know a statistically significant number of gay pedophiles it really doesn't mean much. It seems from my observation that (at least outside the catholic church) there are a lot more heterosexual ones (want to fuck a little girl rather than a little boy). :shrug: I think we should kill them all regardless.

B. Far and away the fastest growing group of new HIV cases in America are among young (16-22), black, urban, heterosexual males (or so I've read recently). It started out as a gay thing in America although not so much in the rest of the world. It isn't so much anymore. The sad thing about HIV in my opinion is that it keeps growing despite how easy it is to prevent. :shrug:
But a huge minority of them ARE their sexuality.

yeah, in many cases, particularly with recently uncloseted and/or young gays, it's a HUGE identity trip that becomes obnoxious.

but not all go through that so intensely, and typically they grow out of it. and that's why there's lots of names within the gay community for those that are particularly flaming.
Well IMO homosexuality is unnatural, and there is a reason why sodomy is against the laws.
The laws, like many of our founding principles, that PC is tearing down, solved
Do away with the foundation, and the problems return.
What about with a girl?
i'm surprised that you would be surprised by this, considering other resident patterns.

Now, to be fair , I said it was incredible, not surprising. ;) It is incredible and it's hardly surprising but none of us here are homophobes, are we?

"Some of my best friends is [insert pejorative here]."
Oh, I'm a firm believer in keeping the gov. out of the bedrooms.
What goes on in the privacy of a person bedroom between consenting adults is
certainly no business of mine or anyone else's IMO.

I stay out myself in opinion, But Most people that end up with aides seem to be asking for it, is all I'm saying.

I know, I know, there are innocents Now that have it, but I'm talking stats.
right. they deserved it. for their sodomite ways.

oh lord with your great vengeance and furious blood reign, smite those horrible sods, and let them be a lesson to others.

