eBay doesn't like homeschoolers

not many people like it anyway, but if you get hungry...

That's preciselly what I'm talking about. What good would it make to have everyone extremely educated if you're going to under-utilize all that education.

As much as I believe that everyone should have some sort of degree, I think it isn't for everyone and it might produce more problems than solutions.

We already have an over-population of engineers and bachelors, many of them end up as cab drivers, selling tacos or flying (some swimming) to another country.
That's what used to be referred to as trades, with apprenticeships. But it wasn't 'controlled' enough and they got rid of that idea ... in favour of schools. Great fucking idea, eh?
That's what used to be referred to as trades, with apprenticeships. But it wasn't 'controlled' enough and they got rid of that idea ... in favour of schools. Great fucking idea, eh?

The old 'overeducated and underemployed' scheme.
That's preciselly what I'm talking about. What good would it make to have everyone extremely educated if you're going to under-utilize all that education.

because the options are there, and a choice Can be made.
Giving everyone a degree only under values the degree.

This government wants 50% of kids to go to college... where's a plumber or electrician when you need one? We need more apprentices... not more empty degrees. Most of those graduates haven't got a clue when it comes to the discipline of holdng down and keeping a job.

Media degrees, wtf are they?
cato, I think Aunty is more on the line of thought I have.

If there are too many people with a degree, the degree automatically suffers a devalue. Companies over here hire computer engineers to have them working pretty much as computer operators. Why would they want to hire technician in computers if they can hire an engineer for cheap? I know I'm not willing to do that kind of job, but I'm not the only one with a degree.

Now, what happens to technicians? they're out of jobs because their positions are filled with engineers. So they must do something else, for less money.
Here there's difference most of the time between the way Big businesses,
and a small business view that particular scenario.

Usually big business will view it that way, but many, if not most small businesses

If also varies between different types/fields.

For example the machine-shop I worked at want someone the didn't have
quite as much schooling in that particular field because they found people
that had the capacity, but less training, easier to train the way they wanted
things done.
On the other hand, they also looked for certain qualifications for specific areas.

This business of not hiring someone because they say they are overqualified is BS.
It's just a tool businesses use Most of the time for an excuse.
Hate to blindside you like this, Cat, but in my business, that very much is the case. Since most employment opportunities are offered as internal postings, only really basic entry level positions make it to the classifieds. But hiring someone better than the position you're trying to fill will often result in unsatisfied employees, high employee turnover, and increased training costs. Hiring some pathetic dumbfuck, however, gets you someone happier to do the job given to them, and much more likely to stay at that job and not be looking to immediately job hop.
Hate to blindside you like this, Cat, but in my business, that very much is the case. Since most employment opportunities are offered as internal postings, only really basic entry level positions make it to the classifieds. But hiring someone better than the position you're trying to fill will often result in unsatisfied employees, high employee turnover, and increased training costs. Hiring some pathetic dumbfuck, however, gets you someone happier to do the job given to them, and much more likely to stay at that job and not be looking to immediately job hop.

not contrary at all really...I was a little defensive because I've had the overqualified thing used on me, I guess.

There are so many variables with this, and so many different occupations,
that I'm sure everything everyone is saying is true to a certain extent, and in
certain senarios.

I really think if you look at the Overall picture, we're all in the right.:shrug:
This business of not hiring someone because they say they are overqualified is BS.
It's just a tool businesses use Most of the time for an excuse.

Over here they want overqualified people, just because there's people with those qualifications willing to have such a shitty income.
I know of one case, a friend, ...Majored in Drafting 4 years.
Got a job straight out of college, and worked it another 4 years.
Now he works a much more unskilled job because of less stress.
(maybe other reasons too)

Some people just don't have the desire to do white collar, they'd just
as soon do something they feel less mentally demanding.:shrug:

I make more money now at the paper than I did in the parking lot at Home Depot... but at Home Depot, I was in much better physical shape, and once it was quitting time, I didn't have to think about work anymore until it was time to go back.
E-Bay is so pc I cancelled my account. They recently decided that they were no longer going to allow the sale of any form of firearms parts because that idiot that shot up the VT campus bought two perfectly legal ten round magazines; which were even legal to own and purchase prior to the sunsetting of the assault weapons ban.