Elderly Driver to Be Sentenced in Crash

There no way it would become legal to test seniors. They are, as a voting block, as powerful as it gets. They smoke all politicians that bring up any sort of restriction talk.

Arizona changed the rules many years ago. As I recall, it worked (at least until I moved away)
catocom said:
Here, everybody used to have to do the eye test every time you renewed
your lic. Now though you can renew by mail, and can even extend the next
renewal out to 10 years. I think.
I forgot all about the mail-in stuff they are doing these days. That makes the processing way, way cheaper.

I don't think they do here, unless it's part of the standard fee. :shrug:
or did you mean for the whole test?
The cost of renewing a driver's license is $20 for 5 years and $35 for 10 years. The cost of renewing an identification card is also $20 for 5 years and $35 for 10 years. There is no service fee charged for choosing to renew online, by mail or by telephone.

That is what I'm speaking of. ....Ka-Ching!
On the one hand unsafe drivers need to be off the road, on the other someone is going to find it very difficult (probably noisy too) telling me I can't drive anymore at some point in the future. :shrug:
If you want to get the idiots off the roads, start confiscating cars. Think about it before you answer...:devious:
Hell, they don't even do it for drunk drivers yet. COnfiscating cars beats the hell out of taking someone's license away...they'll only drive license-less.
Gonz said:
Private Property rights...hey, wait a minute...you work for the Supreme Court doncha?

You aren't thinking...;)

highwayman said:
For a low level misdemeaner? They are just now confiscating cars for the ones employing independent rent a wife people...

You aren't thinking, either...
I wish I knew a gov't employee at that level making $35/hr.

fuck, $35 US is small fry here.

you try getting a plumber for £35 squid an hour let alone $35 dollars ... :shrug:

£90k per annum street "engineers" ... bit of a stink about that one ... to put it mildly ...

(that's like $165K ??)

not to mention footballers ...

About 300,000/year in medical care on the govt tit.

Principles heh?

The law is the law.

Or do you wish to argue different?

Or is the principle to be selective to each of our personal preferences?

Or the potential cost...

Just curious.

It's your back ..but i'll be happy to pass the rod around. :shrug:
I just knew the law was going to hand down the punishment that it did. It is they that are getting all cutesy with the law, not I. Personally, I am a Draconian kind of dude with equal horseblinders in all circumstances. In this circumstance there is an unfortunate precedent wherein old geezers or the seriously ill can be released from prison because of 'humanity'. Apparently there have been lawsuits in the past where the government has been sued and been forced to pay boatloads of cash because they kept an inmate behind bars beyond a 'resonable' state of health. The argument was that their lives were shortend because of it... which amounted to cruel and unusual punishment. Personally... I think its a load of shite.