Elderly woman attacked by gay marriege protesters


Well-Known Member
Apparently, protest is only for the annointed who have annointed themselves. They snatched away her cross and stomped it into the ground. They then surrounded her screaming and threatening her.

The girls do get testy, don't they?

The entire thing was videotaped and is available on YouTube. The link to the video is at the bottom of the story. The video also includes the post attack video of a reporter trying to give a report to her station but the protesters, in typical "All for me and none for thee" squash her free speech rights as well.


Cross-Bearing Woman Says She Was Attacked by Gay Marriage Supporters, May Press Charges
Thursday, November 13, 2008

An elderly woman who attended a gay rights protest carrying a cross to voice her support of the new California ban on gay marriage says she was attacked by demonstrators and now may press charges.

Palm Springs Police Department spokesman Sgt. Mitch Spike told FOXNews.com no arrests had been made as of Thursday evening and added that victim Phyllis Burgess still is deciding whether she'll press assault charges.

"The investigation is proceeding as it should," Spike (SPIKE???) said.

Asked if the charges could be elevated to include hate crime penalties, Spike told FOXNews.com, "That's a possibility. That's one of the things we're looking at."

Carrying a large, foam cross, Burgess, 69, showed up at a rally last Friday against Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage approved this month by California voters.

She was there to show her belief in traditional marriage, she said.

Within minutes, however, angry protesters swarmed around the Palm Springs resident, yanked the cross from her hands and trampled on it, as seen in a video of the incident posted on YouTube.

"I guess I didn’t see the gravity of the whole thing and how it was being portrayed to the public," Burgess told The Desert Sun newspaper. "People are incensed. They seem to want some kind of justice."

If charges are filed, Spike said prosecution could be difficult because the alleged suspect or suspects seen in the video has not been identified.

"We haven't been able to identify everyone in that video," Spike told FOXNews.com.

Click here for more on this story from The Desert Sun.

Click here to see the video on YouTube.

FOXNews' Joshua Rhett Miller contributed to this report.
in typical "All for me and none for thee" squash her free speech rights as well.

Wait what? The Mormon church as well as other religious nuts just tried to squash the rights of homosexuals in a typical "All for me and none for thee" scenario.

That's what they are protesting Jim. While throwing the cross on the ground may not have been the best answer for the few protesters involved, I'm sure you'd be a little pissed if some group tried to deny you rights.

oh my god jim! they're coming for you.

i think we should start skimming the news for stories about mainstream, white, straight christians and post every incident that they are involved in. it may be shocking when we figure out that the level of incidence is quite representative of exactly that proportion of the population those folks represent when corrected for socioeconomic factors.

but none of this should stunt our appreciation of jim's fag-bashing brilliance. way to go, home slice, you've made us all proud one more time.

maybe you can find a couple more negative gay-related stories to post before your next shift!
Looks like the old lady didn't get hurt whatsoever...she got eh cross ripped from her hands and stomped on. Poor foamy cross.

I'm wondering what was going through her mind...let's see. A crowd of angry antiProp8 people..hmm...lets go and get in their faces. :rolleyes:
My favorite... now anti-Prop 8 activists are searching the public records for people who donated money to pass Prop 8 and then picketing their workplaces and flooding them with angry phone calls. In the LA Times story I saw, it ranges from a guy who owns a Honda dealer and donated $25,000 all the way down to a Mexican restaurant where ONE employee donated $100 (a restaurant that also employs gay people).
My favorite... now anti-Prop 8 activists are searching the public records for people who donated money to pass Prop 8 and then picketing their workplaces and flooding them with angry phone calls. In the LA Times story I saw, it ranges from a guy who owns a Honda dealer and donated $25,000 all the way down to a Mexican restaurant where ONE employee donated $100 (a restaurant that also employs gay people).

thats outragious, if they want rights they should stop be such assholes.
My favorite... now anti-Prop 8 activists are searching the public records for people who donated money to pass Prop 8 and then picketing their workplaces and flooding them with angry phone calls. In the LA Times story I saw, it ranges from a guy who owns a Honda dealer and donated $25,000 all the way down to a Mexican restaurant where ONE employee donated $100 (a restaurant that also employs gay people).

Boycotts are a good idea. You reap what you sow.

I wouldn't boycott the Mexican restaraunt but the honda dealership for sure.
You want latency? Ya wanna see what these wonderful people are really like? Go HERE and read the comments in the forum.

It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks. YOU NIGGER, one man shouted at men. If your people want to call me a FAGGOT, I will call you a nigger. Someone else said same thing to me on the next block near the temple...me and my friend were walking, he is also gay but Korean, and a young WeHo clone said after last night the niggers better not come to West Hollywood if they knew what was BEST for them.

The backlash is upon us, and it's going to get uglier unless our organizations step forward and say something. The desire to scapegoat blacks for Prop 8's defeat has exposed the now not-so-latent racism in our movement.

And then there's this from a Black Gay man:

I didn't vote for Prop 8.

I gave money I didn't really have to No on 8.

I registered my wedding with EqCA and encouraged our friends to give there in lieu of wedding presents (And that was another problem. Net-savvy people trying to donate money shouldn't find it so difficult because of the poor site design.)

I was devastated when I woke up on my 2-month anniversary to find out that my marriage is no longer recognized in my state.

And there's no way in hell I'm going to the rally in Sacramento tonight, because I'm afraid that some jackass white gay person will assume I voted yes and call me a nigger, and then I'll have to punch someone in the face and my (white) wife will have to bail me out, and it's just not fucking worth it to risk that.

At this point, I want nothing to do with any predominantly white GLBT organizations. Anything I do in the future will be with the National Black Justice Coalition.

So, congratulations. You've just alienated yet another queer black person. Let me know how that works out for you.

Or try this site:


Goes to show that Negroes truly are the most underdeveloped race when 70% are homophobic. Kind of funny because that's also their IQ.

There are some really big niggers in my unit. I just want to tell them how much of a nigger they are. But I can't, I'd get assreamed by my command

Reads like an IQ chart. Niggers way down at the bottom, followed by Latinos and Whites and Asian on top. Just like in real life. Most of the Niggers also don't believe in evolution despite the fact they are like the living proof.

Buncha real nice guys out there huh? Is it any wonder they would intimidate and threaten an old woman?

Roseanne Says Blacks Who Supported Prop 8 are ‘Bigots’ and ‘Ignorant’
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor

(CNSNews.com) – Actress Roseanne Barr has lashed out at African-Americans for overwhelmingly supporting California’s Proposition 8.

The comedienne accused blacks of being “bigots” and “ignorant” for supporting the ballot initiative, which amends the state constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

On her blog, “Roseanne World,” Barr said that the “70% of black church going californians who voted this cycle voted for prop 8 (sic)” had “misused” their votes, and were inspired by their “immoral” and “hateful” pastors and clergy.


From her website blog:


70% of black church going californians

who voted this cycle voted for prop 8. As they overwhelmingly supported America's first chance to elect a person of color and strike a death blow to racism, they also went out of their way to misuse their votes (no doubt at the behest of their immoral and hateful pastors and clergy) to isolate and punish a small minority of citizens, and to deny them basic civil rights.

They voted to deny over 70,000 californian children coverage of the insurance benefits of their gay parents. They voted to destroy the constitution that Obama will hopefully uphold against their wishes, by making sure that church and state remain separated. They voted to "uphold the sanctity of marriage" by making a mockery of it. They showed themselves every inch as bigoted and ignorant as their white christian right wing counterpartners who voted for mccain-palin and bush-cheney.

When i suggested a couple of years ago that gay organizations should build official bridges with african american organizations, in order to build political consensus and not just represent a purely gay agenda, this very vote is what I was trying to speak to.

The gay community needs to do outreach to the black and latino christian and immigrant communities.

the more things change, the more they stay the same.
REPENT all ye bible blabbers!!!!
babble on babylon
Looks like the old lady didn't get hurt whatsoever...she got eh cross ripped from her hands and stomped on. Poor foamy cross.

That'd be enough of an attack for me, and you too, if it were more personal. Let some shit-for-brains attack your granny....
You want latency? Ya wanna see what these wonderful people are really like?

Are you trying to do some sort of weird ass generalizing again?

What we should probably do is generalize the fuckers that would try to discard the rights of their fellow Americans.

What kind of generalizations can you come up with for those assholes Jimbo?
Fucking A right boy-eeee, can't have freedom of speech nor the right to political speech. Down with opinions.

You really want to go on record here saying boycotts are wrong Gonz? Go ahead and say it limits your free speech. I dare you.

I have multiple threads in mind already that will make you look like a complete hypocrite if you want to go down that road.

Do it.
That'd be enough of an attack for me, and you too, if it were more personal. Let some shit-for-brains attack your granny....
My Grandmother (rest in peace) was smart enough to not get herself in that kind of situation - where she would basically be begging for a reprisal.
My Grandmother (rest in peace) was smart enough to not get herself in that kind of situation - where she would basically be begging for a reprisal.

Where were her "fighting words"?

Read California v Cohen and see what the Supreme Court said about mere symbology as provocation.
The anointed in typical "all for me and none for thee" fashion, blah, blah....

"a man in his 20s holding a "Yes on 8" sign crossed the street and attacked a 17-year-old girl opposing the proposition, knocking her down and striking her in the head, San Mateo police Lt. Mike Brunicardi said.

A man then ran up and spit in the girl's face, police said. Meanwhile, a passer-by attempted to help break up the altercation but was punched in the face by a 16-year-old boy, Brunicardi said..."
