Actually liberals aren't socialists or commies. Commies and Socialist aren't even the same thing. This explains a lot of your misunderstanding.
Sadly no one even recalls what Conservative Values are anymore?
I'm so confused, perhaps you can enlighten us
Christians do.
There's a book.
I suggest an encyclopedia or some interweb research. They actually have different names for a reason.
You forgot the common-cali-commie , we haz them here.Commie
Commie Lite
Commie Extra Light
There ya go
Jesus wasn't a conservative.
What!? -- He didn't care for government. He believed that the private sector could take care of the human factor, that people could help people. He hated the money changers and the taxman. He talked about personal responsibility and burying your coins and saving them. He was pro business...and horribly liberal in his thinking, if you're using today's rulers to measure him by.