factory order are UP, UP, UP!!!

He was kind, he was conservative.

Nah, he was definitely a liberal.
No, you can get a petty good idea by reading about what he stood for. Just like other historical figures. No guessing or heart needs to be involved.
'petty good idea', does not equal 'Knowing'

Sure, nobody actually "knows" a thing about Jesus or if he actually existed unless you were there, Historical texts were pretty spotty back then.

Convincing yourself or being convinced of things by church leaders certainly doesn't equal 'Knowing'.

If you go by the stories in the bible then he was a liberal. You know compassion, equality,
inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace, etc.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land
that the Lord your God is giving you.
No, didn't yer Daddy (or the single mom that raised you)
teach you not to steal, lie and covet
the profits of your betters?
Ya know...it was actually Jesus who introduced the very idea of Hell into the Bible story. No mention of it existing earlier. The ultimate stick to go with the ultimate carrot.

What I never quite understood is why he had to be sacrificed in the first place. If the Abrahamic god wanted to forgive mankind's sins, why not just do it and get along with life? Why the gory slaughter of his 'son'? Who was he trying to impress?
Are you asking an atheist these questions?
All I can say is: Thank Gawd I live in a Christian Nation.
Sure, nobody actually "knows" a thing about Jesus or if he actually existed unless you were there, Historical texts were pretty spotty back then.

Convincing yourself or being convinced of things by church leaders certainly doesn't equal 'Knowing'.

If you go by the stories in the bible then he was a liberal. You know compassion, equality,
inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace, etc.

If a person 'believes', it's not theoretical for that person.
That's what faith is about. Not doubting.
Ya know...it was actually Jesus who introduced the very idea of Hell into the Bible story. No mention of it existing earlier. The ultimate stick to go with the ultimate carrot.

maybe they didn't light the pilot-light until then.
it was just purgatory, or the soul was just destroyed.