favorite drink?


Well-Known Member
So I came home for lunch and was listening to some mp3s and munching on grapes catching up on news and the boards and all of a sudden, Garth Brooks - Two Pina Coladas popped up on the playlist. Thread idea! :idea:

So, what's your favorite drink?
Screwdriver. Absolut Mandarin, Real Orange Juice. otherwise, don't bother.
Had a Cape Cod Saturday night....that was really good. Also tried the new Bacardi Silver O3; not bad.

Perhaps there should be two categories...mixed and bottled.
PuterTutor said:
Screwdriver. Absolut Mandarin, Real Orange Juice. otherwise, don't bother.

Those are good too....We've done lots of Orange Julius' and substituted the water :wink2:
alcoholic: malibu rum and pineapple juice
non-alcoholic: iced tea (although I avoid the sugar these days and drink water all day)
greenfreak said:
non-alcoholic: iced tea (although I avoid the sugar these days and drink water all day)

I never put sugar in my Iced Tea. :confuse3:
Alcholic: Long Island Iced Tea, Margharitas, Mojitos, Captains and Coke, Irish Coffee, and Some Red Wines (South African)

Non-Alcholic: Diet Nestea, FRESH O.J., Milk
fruity drinks are good in general, just mix em strong. baileys n coffee, guinness and rolling rock for beers
drinking orange juice/cointreau/vodka mix atm...not bad...not my favourite...

dunno, there are quite a few things i really like, margarita's for instance, but beer as well...
:eh: forgot about coffee; that is definately a neccessity but I only have one cup a day.

PT, I meant to say pre-sweetened iced tea. Usually Snapple or Arizona iced tea. I'm not a big fan of the 'real' stuff unless it's hot, not cold. But there's so much sugar in the pre-sweetened, I just drink water.
greenfreak said:
PT, I meant to say pre-sweetened iced tea. Usually Snapple or Arizona iced tea. I'm not a big fan of the 'real' stuff unless it's hot, not cold. But there's so much sugar in the pre-sweetened, I just drink water

Ok, so many people around here don't consider it tea unless it's so sticky sweet it's disgusting. I've just alwasy preferred unsweetened tea.