favorite drink?

HomeLAN said:

How's that going, BTW, Shadowfax? Still hanging in there?

hehe, i quit smoking last week....last time i wanted to, was a few months back i think...i picked it up after 2 days, a lot of bad situations back then.
seriously planning to pick up diving seriously, and i can't do that with my current condition, don't get enough air at ALL...
feeling a lot better already, and not even longing for a cigarette...

only smoke 1 ~ 2 light cigs when i'm going out in the weekends, but surprisingly i can stick with those 2 cigarettes...:) thank god :)

Long Islands, Strawberry Daquiris, and my new favourite, Baileys on ice :D

nonalcoholic...coffee I guess...cranberry or Welch's grape juice.
Ah, yes... Beer is my favourite too, how could I forget.


Fuck girlie Daiquiris. :headbang:
Leslie said:

MuFu said:
Strawberry Daiquiri.

I didn't even notice your post, sorry. Now Baileys mit rocks *is* a seriously girlie drink. :D

I only changed my answer to "Beer" due to peer pressure, anyway.

beer is disgusting yuck i hate it so bad it taste like wee. ;)
Beer (not too much since I found out I'm diabetic), Diet Coke (diabetic), mocha (the real kind), body shots (not for the tequila) and wine with dinner. Oh yeah, almost forgot, Irish coffee made with Bushmill's on St. Patty's Day (green beer just means it isn't ripe yet).
Bourbon and Coke...


BTW, unc, what's with the rapid change of avatars? Darth to Tweaky-Darth to a Cylon Centurian...What's next?
alcoholic - shiraz, ice cold vodka, rolling rock

non-alcoholic - water, sprite, diet coke