Well this is beyond me, all I am trying to do is understand this pathological fear anything driven by a penis has towards a relatively straightfoward (not to mention largely beneficial for both involved) concept.
I didn't refer to any personal situation, I just don't understand this masculine inability to comprehend the fact that when you're in a commited (As in not fucking around with other people) relationship with one person you get 100x the QUALITY of respect, attention intimacy, sex, and other benefits than you ever would in something based around casual sex.
I guess thats also because most females need that emotional stability and trust to give themselves completely and feel 100% okay about a relationship, especially when it comes to sex. But I guess that also is another pathological mystery still to be explained, and I'm not sure I could even understand that myself. But I know that is the case, from experience - and theres no point in trying to lie to oneself and pretend to be as 'tough' as a emotionally retarded male when most of the time the most favourable situation when you're sleeping with someone is to NOT be seeing anybody else, to show an interest in that person and a respect for their happiness whatever the cost to your proud sense of 'singlenes' and 'freedom' or whatever...
I know I'd sure as hell prefer company than have to tolerate being constantly hit on every time I go out, or otherwise having to endure kissing loads of toads waiting for the day a fairytale prince to be found- so to speak.
But I guess, when you're as dried up as you two it doesn't really make much difference, huh ?