Fear of commitment?

I am the son
and the heir
of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

There's a club if you'd like to go
you could meet somebody who really loves you
so you go, and you stand on your own
and you leave on your own
and you go home, and you cry
and you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen "now"
well, when exactly do you mean?
see I've already waited too long
and all my hope is gone

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

The Smiths-How Soon Is Now?
Plain and simple, men and women are wired differently. I know this comes as a shock to some, but it's true.

Men and women value different things in relationships, just as they do in all other aspects of their lives. Security is a bigger deal to the average woman than it is to the average male. Most women feel more secure with one man to call theirs. It's a feeling of being provided for, sheltered, whatever way you choose to word it. Nothing weak or wrong about that.

Men on the other hand value stimulation more. That explains the hyperactive sex drive the average teenage boy thrives on. Men are more likely to become bored in a monogamous relationship, as they crave the variety of different sensory input. Again, nothing wrong or weak about it.

Also, it's seen as a control issue. Men resent having anyone possess any sort of control over them, and often interpret a committed relationship as a personal sacrifice. When their partner doesn't recognize that sacrifice (as they naturally would not; women do not approach the situation with the same mind set), they resent and start to claim things like "She's trying to change me too much." Women, meanwhile, see it more as an agreement. They hear their mate complaining about all the things he has "given up" to be with them, and resent that mindset equally as much as the males resent their complaints. It causes friction and discord, which is the opposite of security, which in turn leads to the woman lashing out at the man for his silliness.

Wiring. Plain and simple. No cure for it. A relationship is a series of compromises, and when the balance is too far off kilter either way, the result is strife.

My bill is in the mail. :lol2:
Commitment wasn't a problem for us. We talked before we even got together, basically decided that it was going to be a serious committed relationship....now we're over 6mo's down the road and still going strong
I contend that men's & wimen's are INDEED
application specific integrated circuits!

Each is custom tailored for the purpose they were manufactured for…
Winky said:
I contend that men's & wimen's are INDEED
application specific integrated circuits!

Each is custom tailored for the purpose they were manufactured for…
walking talking I/O ports?
Winky said:
Each is custom tailored for the purpose they were manufactured for…

The point about ASICs is that they are INCAPABLE of performing any other function other than that which they were originally programmed for. Men & Women are NOT ASICs. Men were originally programmed for hand-fighting with boars and beating down their contenders with clubs. Women were originally programmed for singing to babies and getting bashed over the head with clubs so men could fuck them without them protesting.

Today those roles are now more irrelevant than a pimple on the butt of a flea. Men know how to vaccuum and women can change a tire. The constant insistance that we're still incapable of being anything other than primal beasts driven by our cave-man instincts makes about as much sense as suggesting that it's a waste of time ever going to school because learning anything would go against what our brains were capable of understanding when we were born.

You all get upset when I call people retards; yet maintaining that people are incapable of being anything other than a product of their genes is tantamount to labelling them the most retarded human beings of all time. Precisely what sets us apart from every other creature on the planet is our ability to adapt our consciousness to how it best suits us. And you want to deprive us of that ability and render us no better than the common ground slug.

Yes men & women APPEAR fundamentally different - but that's only because they are RAISED fundamentally differently. Raised as if they were ASICs, only ever capable of performing one discrete, very precisely-defined function. And as long as we treat our kids that way, people are going to continue to get fucked over by their partners, to feel compelled to play all those relationship games that everyone nevertheless believes are so retarded, to wonder why nobody ever seems to want to commit to them, to feel like a loser when they don't "have" someone and to be incapable of having a proper friendship with anyone they've had sex with. SOunds like we're headed for a ripper future.
Men and Women are not Unable to perform tasks other than which they were programmed for, but both biology and upbringing has decided specializations for each gender. True, our society is breaking down many of these gender barriers, but we're far from full equality and a full spectrum of skill-sets interchangeable between the genders.

Emotions is one place where women have the advantage socially. It is far more accepteable for women to show their fears and pain openly than for men. It is far more accepteable for men to show anger and determination than it is for women.

Men don't fear commitment, TG. They fear the wrong commitment.
mowhere else to put this
A HUSBAND living close to South Africa's border with Mozambique ended an argument with his wife by killing her and eating part of her face.

Police said the man choked on what he had eaten, then collapsed and died.
Karma ROCKS!
SouthernN'Proud said:
Plain and simple, men and women are wired differently. I know this comes as a shock to some, but it's true.

Men and women value different things in relationships, just as they do in all other aspects of their lives. Security is a bigger deal to the average woman than it is to the average male. Most women feel more secure with one man to call theirs. It's a feeling of being provided for, sheltered, whatever way you choose to word it. Nothing weak or wrong about that.

Men on the other hand value stimulation more. That explains the hyperactive sex drive the average teenage boy thrives on. Men are more likely to become bored in a monogamous relationship, as they crave the variety of different sensory input. Again, nothing wrong or weak about it.

Also, it's seen as a control issue. Men resent having anyone possess any sort of control over them, and often interpret a committed relationship as a personal sacrifice. When their partner doesn't recognize that sacrifice (as they naturally would not; women do not approach the situation with the same mind set), they resent and start to claim things like "She's trying to change me too much." Women, meanwhile, see it more as an agreement. They hear their mate complaining about all the things he has "given up" to be with them, and resent that mindset equally as much as the males resent their complaints. It causes friction and discord, which is the opposite of security, which in turn leads to the woman lashing out at the man for his silliness.

Wiring. Plain and simple. No cure for it. A relationship is a series of compromises, and when the balance is too far off kilter either way, the result is strife.

My bill is in the mail. :lol2:

:clap: :clap: :clap: Well said SNP!!!!! I'd give ya Karma sweetie, but gotta whore around allittle..... :D