Feel my wrath


Southern Discomfort
So. I go to make some photocopies a minute ago.

The copier is out of paper.

No problem. Happens.

I turn to the supply shelf. There are three sheets of copier paper. Three.

Some inconsiderate dolt filled the tray, realized that a trip to the closet (ten feet away) would be in order, and left three sheets of paper. Three.

I recommend firing squad.
When shit like that happens around me, I turn into a loud, obnoxious boar, discussing loudly what I think of inconsiderate assholes like that. Anyone who either tries to not be seen, or smirks gets targetted for retaliation.
I am always responsible for the copier (it's one of those fax / copier / scan mixer uppers) - no one in this office other than me are allowed to touch the thing.

Yeah me.
I HATE THE COPIER note see the thread I started out of aggrevation.

I feel your pain man... I say kick the damn copier in the power source and go out for a bloddy mary!
Copiers are easy as pie... try fuckin' with networked printers on a large scale.
I get to play with a BIZHUB C350 from Minolta. Talk about your finicky printers!!!

Death by 1,000 papercuts seems to be in order, SnP
MrBishop said:
Copiers are easy as pie... try fuckin' with networked printers on a large scale.
I get to play with a BIZHUB C350 from Minolta. Talk about your finicky printers!!!

You mean the stuff I do on a daily basis? BTW, do you have access to Mac OS 9.2 at work?
Professur said:
You mean the stuff I do on a daily basis? BTW, do you have access to Mac OS 9.2 at work?

OS 10.4.5 actually... why?

We have to go through an AS400 system to get to the damn printer, internet etc... :p
you have to go thru a server to get to the internet? i hope to jebus it's running *nix with checkpoint or something.
rrfield said:
you have to go thru a server to get to the internet? i hope to jebus it's running *nix with checkpoint or something.

You hope I'm doing what to the who now?
MrBishop said:
OS 10.4.5 actually... why?

We have to go through an AS400 system to get to the damn printer, internet etc... :p
Because I've got a G3 that I'm trying to get running for someone, and I need to reinstall the OS.
rrfield said:
you have to go thru a server to get to the internet? i hope to jebus it's running *nix with checkpoint or something.
Me and the other graphic-troll are the only two in the company who are on MACs. They didn't want to buy a MAC server, so they went with an AS400. I know sfa about how its set up exactly...I just know that it works. :)
Professur said:
Because I've got a G3 that I'm trying to get running for someone, and I need to reinstall the OS.
Aah...I'm afraid that my flash card is a bit small to drag and drop the OS onto it. It's also locked down.

What I've heard of people doing though, is walk into a MAC store with a 1GB flash card and walk away with the whole OS. It's a file folder on the HD. Easy as pie to find.

I've got an old MAC at home...but Im not sure which OS it has running on it.
MrBishop said:
Aah...I'm afraid that my flash card is a bit small to drag and drop the OS onto it. It's also locked down.

What I've heard of people doing though, is walk into a MAC store with a 1GB flash card and walk away with the whole OS. It's a file folder on the HD. Easy as pie to find.

I've got an old MAC at home...but Im not sure which OS it has running on it.

Creative Zen Xtra 40GB, doesn't cost much and can be used without installing software for file movment, plus it kicks ass as a MP3 player. I have turned many public computers into my tools with that handy thing. :thumbup:
The existing OS crashes before you can do anything. I need the OS cds for it. If you can make a bootable flash key, just tell me how big you need. I've got a half gig sitting empty in my pocket right now.
Nixy said:
How much do flash keys cost? I need to get me one...

Business Depot has Half gigs for $30 after rebates. I don't recommend getting smaller than that, as it's not cost effective. Microsoft is giving away small ones, upon request of their licensing agreement. Not sure of the size.
Professur said:
Business Depot has Half gigs for $30 after rebates. I don't recommend getting smaller than that, as it's not cost effective. Microsoft is giving away small ones, upon request of their licensing agreement. Not sure of the size.

OK so what do I have to do to get a free one from microsoft?