Feminism, Vegetarianism, Canadianism, et cetera.


Well-Known Member
Professur said:
This thread is about Muslim whining, but I could jsut as easily start one about Wimmin's libbers, Vegans, Quebecers, Californians, Irish, etc. In fact, I probably have done in the past.

To help out my christian conservative canadian comrade, I decided to make a separate thread to discuss some of these points.

Expect a bout of random ranting and insults. Expect the first reply in about an hour of me typing nonstop.

23,000 threads in with a bang!
I just plain don't like feminism. The really hardcore type of lesbian feminism, where they hate men and that kind of stuff.

It's just like, come on. We've all taken biology in school. Women, on their own, can't do anything. Men, on their own, can't do anything. Feminism is like a sister saying "Girls are better!" and her brother saying "Ewww, you have cooties!". It's like, without both, humans would be extinct within the next century.

I'm going to refer back to my favorite example, my grandparents. They're the whole immigrants working from rags to riches thing, and they've been married for like 50-60 years.

Without my grandmother, my grandfather would have nothing. She's always there to support him. If he comes home after a bad day, she's there to make him feel better. She's there to raise their kids the right way. She's there to make sure that he's fed and dressed and ready for life.

Without my grandfather, my grandmother would have nothing. He's always there for her. He is always around to help her with whatever she needs. He does the stuff that she can't, like drive long trips, or do repairs at home, or handle finances.

It's like, by themselves, they can't really do that much, but together, they're a great team, and they care so much about each other. They've been married for more than half a century! Think about it. That's a really long time.

It just seems so counter-productive to completely advocate the advancement of one gender over the other. We're all in it together.
Feminism is good. Women, wanting to empower women. Women wanting to get equal pay for equal work is both admirable & justifed.

Feminazis suck green donkey dicks.
Plus, without the sexual revolution & the rise of feminaziism, men would have to get haircuts & jobs & get off their fat lazy asses & pursue women. Today, guys are spreading their seed to every Tonya, Darla & Harriet with absolutely no need to become men. Complete scumbags have children by 3, 4, 5 wimmins & don't pay a red cent towards child support. After all, the bitches parents do all that & more.

*BELCH* get me a beer & blow me you stupid cunt. There's a game on*
I am a feminist. I am a vegetarian. I'm not Canadian. Eh.

Extremist anything is bad. A woman can be feminist without having to insist upon trying to become a man. And as far as the vegetarianism goes, if meat accidentally works its way into my grub, then I eat it - a bit of protein never hurt anybody, and I sure as hell know that the development of Homo sapiens sapiens built upon a reliance of an omnivorous diet. So yeah, extremist = bad. Moderate = good. To write up vegetarian/feminist/left-wing/whatevers as stupid kinda seems to me to be somewhat ignorant of what they actually stand for in the first place. :shrug:
I like having a door opened for me, but I also like to open doors for others.
I like having my chair pulled out for me, but I also like to pull others chairs out for them.... so I can watch them fall........ :lol:
I like having a door opened for me, but I also like to open doors for others.
I like having my chair pulled out for me, but I also like to pull others chairs out for them.... so I can watch them fall........ :lol:


The first time a guy pulled out my chair, I was wondering what was happening LOL .. that was something I'd only seen my dad do for my mom.
I am a peoplist. If you are a people get out there and do what you are supposed to do, treat everyone including their decisions and their property with respect, get the same in return and STFU about it already.
Let me clarify - I am referring to Feminazis in my post. The man-hating lesbian type. The super-extreme lunatics. The bra-burning "We don't need no stinkin' men!" type.
Vegetarians, I'm iffy on.

I don't agree with their motivations, but I don't really care what they do or don't eat.

What I don't like, however, is when they get all preachy about it, and tell me that my sirloin is killing the cute widdle animals.
Feminism is good. Women, wanting to empower women. Women wanting to get equal pay for equal work is both admirable & justifed.

Feminazis suck green donkey dicks.

I've said it before. A woman construction worker who hauls jsut as many bags of cement as the man beside her should damn well be paid the same. But when said woman can't lift those bags today because she's got cramps ..... 4 days a month every month ......?

Sorry, but what are you supposed to do with that? Claim disability? I've worked with wimmen in shipping. Guess who was doing the packing of the dainy figurines, and who was handling the 100lbs cases of pottery.

Gimme a woman with no cramps, no PMS, and works toe-to-toe with men and I'll be first in line to get her what she deserves. I've done it before. Bish can attest.
Vegetarians, I'm iffy on.

I don't agree with their motivations, but I don't really care what they do or don't eat.

What I don't like, however, is when they get all preachy about it, and tell me that my sirloin is killing the cute widdle animals.
You're thinking of Vegans, Altron... most vegetarians aren't quite so hard-core about it.

Most do it for health reasons and having read all about what gets pumped into chickens and cows to make them grow faster and leaner...I'm reducing my red-meat intake.
You're thinking of Vegans, Altron... most vegetarians aren't quite so hard-core about it.

Most do it for health reasons and having read all about what gets pumped into chickens and cows to make them grow faster and leaner...I'm reducing my red-meat intake.

Kill it yourself (deer hunting, turkey hunting) or make sure it wasn't pumped with chemicals (organic "free range" chicken), and you won't have a problem. Hell...even veggies aren't immune to problems. Have you checked your spinach for e-coli lately?
Great if you've got the money, but free-range chickens are expensive, eh

I just reduce my intake... it's healthier all around to have a balanced diet. Fruits, nuts, veggies, meat, fish, fungii, grain etc.. instead of having a meat n' taters diet all year around. Tastier too.

Oh..and as for killing it myself, I don't need to. There's a local butcher that sells venison and other wild game.
Buy whole (or spilt) farm animals from folks you can deal with directly. Most small farmers don't use hormones. *awaiting 1/3 cow & a whole hog by spring*