Buy whole (or spilt) farm animals from folks you can deal with directly. Most small farmers don't use hormones. *awaiting 1/3 cow & a whole hog by spring*
Cramps, PMS, can't say I'm too familiar with that, but if a lady is bleedin' downstairs and kinda bummed out about it, how is that any different from a guy who's tired and having a bad day? Obviously people's moods are gonna change, regardless of their gender.
That's not all women there, Prof. Granted it may be a majority of them but it's not all of them.
Well, if they can't do the job, what business do they have in doing it?
I couldn't get a job as an accountant. I'm not qualified for it. I would be unable to do it.
Same idea. There's nothing wrong with not being able to lift heavy things. If you can't, but your job requires it, then you're not qualified for that job.
Could I walk into a company, tell them that I want to be an accountant, yet be completely unable to do so, and expect them to bend over backwards to accomadate me? No.
Of course, there are certain jobs that people without as much physical strength can do most aspects of, but not all.
If we hired a girl in the warehouse, and she couldn't lift half of the stuff we sell, I would be rather unhappy with that decision of hiring.
However, we have plenty of girls up at Customer Service, and their jobs very occasionally involve handling a large returned TV or something like that. I have no qualms about manhandling a big TV for them, if they are having a hard time. It's the nice thing to do. They can do every other aspect of their jobs very well, and work very hard, but they're just not as physically capable of heavy lifting as I am.
True, but there needs to be a way for a female to prove that she can do the job. If we allow folks to not hire women because some can't or won't do the job in it's entirity then you are being biased against the ones who can and will.
because it's discriminatory to have a job that they can't do
today, employers are forced to accept candidates like that and actually pay to send them for training to do the job, rather than hire a white male already capable of it. Happens every damn day.
See above
Nope. Can't be discriminated against when your a white male ... unless you're disabled, physically or mentally.
See above
Construction companies had to give non lifting jobs to wimmin rather than men for jsut that reason. Men suddenly weren't the best candidates for crane operator anymore. Or Flagman.
I also remember that there were several job fields that were not open to women. I also served with men that I could outpush up, outsmart, and outfire fight.
I just think that drawing a line at gender isn't necessarily the way to go. If employers what to have a physical test for employment the way that the military has I know I would be a staunch supporter.