First dude to blame for Troopergate

Still one more squat 'n pee just like I knew you would. You're all show and no go.

*sigh* Gonz and I were discussing out in America (at least I was, I thought I understood that Gonz was too) where, whether he likes to accept it or not, the main thrust of the McCain campaign is clearly to make voters fear Obama by whatever means possible. You, in your divine and borderline psychotic manner, posted a bunch of links to posts in this forum. I understood why but as usual you completely missed the point.

There. Feel better now? I was going to avoid pointing out how foolish you were being again, but since you insisted...

Go ahead now, tell me how I was mistaken about what I meant.

After that, we'll continue posting these "I know you are but what am I" posts, shall we?
.......the main thrust of the McCain campaign is clearly to make voters fear Obama by whatever means possible.

The only reason to fear Obama is because of his liberal, socialist beliefs. You sound like you believed him when he said:

"....what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He's risky."

Can you back up your opinion that the McCain campaign is pulling out all stops to make voters afear of Obama with examples of how it is doing such?

Cue video: show pictures of black men one after the other (black background w/ black fade)...then show a picture of a frail-looking white woman (White backgrounded photo, fading to even whiter) and the words "Taxpayers stuck with the bill"

Hmmm...not playing the race-card at all.
You do know who Franklin Raines is, don't you? He had something to do with Fannie Mae. That he and Obama, the only two males in that video, are black is beside the point. Which is, that Obama sought Raines' advice on economic matters during the time when Raines was being investigated for a $6.3 billion accounting scandal. That video is as far from racist as you can get.
Dude..there are hundreds of people involved with the Freddie and Fannie debackle.
The Obama campaign issued a statement by Raines on Thursday night insisting, "I am not an advisor to Barack Obama, nor have I provided his campaign with advice on housing or economic matters." Obama spokesman Bill Burton went a little further, saying in an e-mail that the campaign had "neither sought nor received" advice from Raines "on any matter."
*sigh* Gonz and I were discussing out in America (at least I was, I thought I understood that Gonz was too) where, whether he likes to accept it or not, the main thrust of the McCain campaign is clearly to make voters fear Obama by whatever means possible. You, in your divine and borderline psychotic manner, posted a bunch of links to posts in this forum. I understood why but as usual you completely missed the point.

How you got that from your post HERE in which you stated:

Not an issue for me. Much as Palin abusing her gubernatorial powers is not an issue for many others. You're right though, (Her boss is a pussy. She has to follow his lead. -- Gonz) it is a bit surprising that some of our other more vociferous neocon parrots (of which I assume anyone on the right, including me, Gonz, Cerise, et al) didn't bring it (the firing of Monagan) up. Too busy whining about Bill Ayers and Obama being a muslim to notice something that was actually true and cogent I guess.

I didn't miss that point as that point was patently untrue. The Lefties keep bringing up the part about Obama being a Muslim; not us. I pointed that out by posting the nineteen links wherein the Lefties here keep bring that up and the righties don't. I was addressing that portion of your post and that portion only.

I agreed with the rest of it as the Righties are the ones bringing up Ayers and the Lefties ignore it; Palin's boss is a pussy; and I don't believe that the Gubernatorial powers flap will be an issue because it was obviously politically motivated; or did you miss that part about the "October surprise" touted by the guy driving the "investigation"?

Since when is it a "divine and borderline psychotic manner" for someone to address a single point within a post which covers several points when the responding poster agrees with all of the points but that one?

Now. Do you get the point?

By the way, thank you for the nice answer but I shouldn't have had to goad it out of you. I truly do appreciate the time.
Duuuude. I don't know why the WaPo would contradict an article they had published several months prior but:

In the four years since he stepped down as Fannie Mae's chief executive under the shadow of a $6.3 billion accounting scandal, Franklin D. Raines has been quietly constructing a new life for himself.

He has shaved eight points off his golf handicap, taken a corner office in Steve Case's D.C. conglomeration of finance, entertainment and health-care companies and more recently, taken calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters.

Two members of Mr. Obama's political circle, James A. Johnson and Franklin D. Raines, are former chief executives of Fannie Mae.

You'd think the editors would have a better memory.
How you got that from your post HERE in which you stated:

I didn't miss that point as that point was patently untrue. The Lefties keep bringing up the part about Obama being a Muslim; not us. I pointed that out by posting the nineteen links wherein the Lefties here keep bring that up and the righties don't. I was addressing that portion of your post and that portion only.

I agreed with the rest of it as the Righties are the ones bringing up Ayers and the Lefties ignore it; Palin's boss is a pussy; and I don't believe that the Gubernatorial powers flap will be an issue because it was obviously politically motivated; or did you miss that part about the "October surprise" touted by the guy driving the "investigation"?

Since when is it a "divine and borderline psychotic manner" for someone to address a single point within a post which covers several points when the responding poster agrees with all of the points but that one?

Now. Do you get the point?

By the way, thank you for the nice answer but I shouldn't have had to goad it out of you. I truly do appreciate the time.
What a fucking stretch. You really live in your own little world there, don't you? And what was the point????
What a fucking stretch. You really live in your own little world there, don't you? And what was the point????

A stretch?!?!? I disagree with one of your little points and you get your nose all open over it. I went to great length to respond to you and you give me a ration of shit over it.

THE POINT was that




in your contention that we on the Right are the ones who keep bringing up the "Obama is a Muslim" bullshit and I called you on it. I proved that it is your side of the equation that is constantly bringing it to the fore and you apparently couldn't handle the truth.


By the way, you are starting to sound like Spike with your "What's your point?" queries and then ignoring the answer regardless of how detailed, referenced, and documented.
I think it is cause your answers don't actually touch upon the reality of what has been said.

So the answer to the false accusation made against the Righties on the board that they are "Too busy whining about Bill Ayers and Obama being a muslim" should simply go unanswered?

You do realize that the full statement was:

it is a bit surprising that some of our other more vociferous neocon parrots didn't bring it up. Too busy whining about Bill Ayers and Obama being a muslim to notice something that was actually true and cogent I guess.

You want every false statement answered by those accused with this answer:


Don't hold your breath.

So, as to the OP, it sounds like Todd Palin didn't think his wacko brother in-law was fit to be a sate trooper and had the balls to do something about it. Good for him!!!
He had a gun? :confuse3:


So, as to the OP, it sounds like Todd Palin didn't think his wacko brother in-law was fit to be a sate trooper and had the balls to do something about it. Good for him!!!

You're cheering on lying and illegal activities?