OK, Jim, let`s work through this one. In latin based languages, adding -ette or -elle generally implies a female whereas -el or -et. The joke was, 'why does the male of the bread species have the vagina and the female the penis'
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a noun suffix occurring originally in loanwords from French, where it has been used in a variety of diminutive and hypocoristic formations (brunette; cigarette; coquette; etiquette; rosette); as an English suffix, -ette forms diminutives (kitchenette; novelette; sermonette), distinctively feminine nouns (majorette; usherette), and names of imitation products (leatherette).
Compare -et.
I believe that would be "where the sun don't shine" cupcake.
As a whole,
As a whole, just what is the general consensus on the anus? Form over function?
some people look like assholes,
some people are assholes.
Jim cracked a funny!!!!
And Prof slips a pun in about buns.Jim cracked a funny!!!!