First state sovereignty declarations, now this.

I use a .22 rifle to put down 1,000lb cattle when butchering. Works pretty good, however, a rifle give the round a lot more punch than a pistol. I have been told that a .22 mag in a pistol is equivalent to a .22LR in a rifle.
one in the noggin presumably. don't need no "bouncing around." tunnels in the brain tend to cause problems, even if they's only 22/100ths.
There have, however, been several rulings by the SCotUS in which they have ruled against the US in cases respecting state's powers.

There will be more. However, as the Dred Sott case shows, the SCotUS may rule contradictory to itself.
All I was saying mink, is I like that gun and I was suggesting you hold still while I shoot you in the head anyway :flame: I am no gun expert, but I am not really that concerned about them going away. They will never do away with them like all the alarmists on here and out there try to tell us is right on the horizon without radical change to the constitution. When I talk about my personal ideas about gun control I only speak theoretically from the best logic I posses upon pondering the gun situation.

Deuce deuce's always make a fine cap gun in the hood too though! A gun is a gun in many respects but 22s at close range, as has been stated, are much more formidable than the common public conception of the caliber suggests. I am skeptical about the legality of such pocket guns, but as they are legal, I'd have one if I was to want a pocket defense system, but then I am also not a criminal, and my current life circumstances puts me at an extremely minimal chance of seeing such violence.
yes jim. there are many documented cased where .22 rounds have been deflected AROUND the edges of the skull.

so your brother in law makes you EXPERIENCED? hmmm sounds kinda vicarious to me.

Dig up the autopsy report for Freddie Prinz and you will find that the round he fired into his head went through his brain three times before coming to rest. I guess he just didn't believe that urban legend.
Start HERE

Which will take you HERE

Pathology of experimental traumatic craniocerebral missile injury.

Finnie JW.

Central Veterinary Laboratories, Department of Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia.

The neuropathological alterations in sheep associated with head wounds inflicted by a .22 calibre rifle are reported. Brain damage was manifest as a permanent haemorrhagic wound cavity produced by crushing and laceration of tissue during missile penetration, secondary tracks due to bone and bullet fragments, widely distributed stretch injuries to blood vessels, nerve fibres and neurons as a consequence of the radial forces of the temporary cavity which develops as a bullet penetrates tissue, marked subarachnoid and intraventricular haemorrhage, and distortion and displacement of the brain.

PMID: 8473562 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

No mention of skull wound morphology but a good read anyway.


More good info HERE
oh jim i knew it was only a matter of time before fackler surfaced. of course there's nothing that addresses this directly in there, but it does have some interesting infos.

"secondary tracks due to bone and bullet fragments." sure. which direction are the tracks in? are the bone fragments from the skull entrance? you're still not settling the hollywood assassin myth of "bouncing around turning the brain to jello." you see secondary bone and fragment tracks all over the goddamned place with cannelured 5.56mm but it don't bounce around the brains.

so, if you pay the usual $35 bucks or so for the full article, be sure to sleaze me a copy gratis.
Thanks, I will. Beats living in the money, guns and drugs American dystopia

I know! I wish I could take a shit in the morning without having to walk through the crossfire of yet another shootout between two drug dealers! Everywhere I go... wanted to get a crunchwrap supreme at Taco Bell but the two drug dealers in line in front of me started shooting up the joint... tried to get a haircut at SuperCuts but the two drug dealers in the waiting area started shooting at each other... opened the fridge to get some orange juice this morning and these two drug dealers hopped out and started shooting at each other... turned the valve on the faucet to wash my hands and out came these two drug dealers who started shooting at each other...
What's really comical is, when we were younger, the biggest drug dealers about used to live between our neighbourhoods (down by the Olympia)
I know! I wish I could take a shit in the morning without having to walk through the crossfire of yet another shootout between two drug dealers! Everywhere I go... wanted to get a crunchwrap supreme at Taco Bell but the two drug dealers in line in front of me started shooting up the joint... tried to get a haircut at SuperCuts but the two drug dealers in the waiting area started shooting at each other... opened the fridge to get some orange juice this morning and these two drug dealers hopped out and started shooting at each other... turned the valve on the faucet to wash my hands and out came these two drug dealers who started shooting at each other...
The only way to defend against stereotypes is with stereotypes.

*Sorry...typed fast. My igloo is melting and shorting out my computer, not to mention what it's doing to my pot grow-op. At this rate, I'll be late for that gay-wedding this afternoon and the "We love communism" rally after supper.

Nice thread...what's it aboot anyway, eh?