For once I have a serious question...


OK um, I'm rarely shy, but this is different. I am probably going to sound silly and stupid to most of you, but I'm very serious and this is important to me. The past few days have been extremely emotional for me (nalani knows :)), and I'm looking for a necklace. Not just any necklace, but something I can call a friendship necklace. It should consist of two parts that can form one complete piece when the owners so desire. Yeah it sounds silly, but I have no real idea where to get such a trinket. And if you need to know, yes it is for a male friend, and the answer to your next question is NO! It is not like that! I've known him for 9 years and um, we kinda did some pretty important things for each other. Very important things. Reasons which I would prefer to keep private. I would welcome any suggestions or links. Thank you.
Dude, the only thing I know of is a Mizpah necklace, it's a circle that's cut in half, jagged. Has some greek words written on it, but I couldn't tell you what they say. I've still got half of one, not sure if the girl still has her half or not, it's been a few since I've seen her.

You could always get something custom done. Most Jewelers around here are very willing to do that.
the only thing i've seen that's close would be a heart shape, split in half [jagged too, i think] with inscriptions on each side. you'd probly find them in a catalogue place like argos here, but they are pretty tacky and i don't really think that a heart motif is what you want.

custom job methinks.
I know of a guy who makes jewelrey for a good price LL. I can let you know the info on MSN if you want. It's in snelgrove so not very far from you...
Thanks. I will have to talk to my friend then about the design if it is going to be a custom job.
pat him on the back & say you're glad we're friends. jewelry & shit can be misconstrued.
Permanent isn't bothering me really. 6 years ago we both drew blood to make it permanent. /shrug :eh:, it seemed like a good idea to us and believe me, that is one of the happiest memories I have. Memories fade however, so we want a physical gadget to remind us. Am I weird and silly/stupid? Gee I hope not.

Hm reading through that post will give people the wrong impression. :eh2: Let me explain a bit more (this is very important to me, so if I'm boring you just ignore me ok?) I've been to many countries in my life. My friend and I shared life. We LIVED it together. For 9 years now. We are connected to each other, we feel each other's pain, joy, laughter, sadness. (If this sounds stupid to you press "Back" and continue with OT stuff.) We shared our first jump (from an airplane) at 16, our first dates (double date), and we went to jail together (for 8 hours lol). We know everything about each other. No secrets, not that we could hide anything anyways. And no we are not gay, just bloodfriends. I know a lot of North American people and probably Europeans don't know what I'm talking right now, but some might. I am not originally from Canada or USA either.

Right now I'm kinda looking into Claddagh Pendants. Both of us love Celtic history and think it is really funky. :)

(If you think I'm weird, I don't really care. I have never been ashamed of what I want, think, did in the past, or am right now. I'm me and not you, so take a cookie and some orange juice.)

Thanks for listening to my silly ramblings. :) I never talk this much about myself and never go into this kinda detail, but I really don't want to be considered the weirdo here hehe. Besides, I might want to come to that OT meeting sometime!
LastLegionary said:
Hm reading through that post will give people the wrong impression. :eh2:

I think it's cool that you're able to be honest about how much you care about your friend. There are too many 'macho' men around the world nowadays.

However, the (hopefully) wrong impression I'm getting is from the original post, it kinda sounds like you buried a body together or something :eek6:
Leslie said:
However, the (hopefully) wrong impression I'm getting is from the original post, it kinda sounds like you buried a body together or something :eek6:

lol, no I was referring to gayness. People tend to make smart ass remarks when you use "love" with two men. It is not like that all. The important things we did together hm... I kinda mentioned some of them in my second post. There are others. Some bad, some good, some really bad, some really good. And no, we have not killed anyone, nor had we ever had the need to bury a corpse. :rofl2:
LastLegionary said:
Leslie said:
However, the (hopefully) wrong impression I'm getting is from the original post, it kinda sounds like you buried a body together or something :eek6:

lol, no I was referring to gayness. People tend to make smart ass remarks when you use "love" with two men. It is not like that all. The important things we did together hm... I kinda mentioned some of them in my second post. There are others. Some bad, some good, some really bad, some really good. And no, we have not killed anyone, nor had we ever had the need to bury a corpse. :rofl2:

Ok then glad to hear it :D :headbang:
OK Leslie, now I'm bugged by that, what gave you that impression!? :rofl2:

Oh an I'm not a "macho" man :) So gals, if you want that, I'm not for you ;)
What gave me that impression?
and um, we kinda did some pretty important things for each other. Very important things. Reasons which I would prefer to keep private
^that^ :D
This wouldn't happen to be the guy you kissed, would it? :D

BTW...Kissing a guy isn't as bad as Shadowfax blowing goats... :D