Well-Known Member
LL - a claddagh is a great idea! Mizpah is beautiful indeed, but unless you're of the Jewish/Hebrew religion/culture, it's hard for it to have "depth" as far as meaning ... if you're both into Celtic history (and chances are, if you're Irish or Scots, you've got some Celtic DNA
), then that might be the way to go... not to mention, the weave of the claddagh (depending on which variation you go with) has so many levels of interpretation ... 
I think it's great that you're taking your friendship to another level. Ku'u and I share that kind of friendship .. we often split a cold pack and *sniff* .. when the time is right *tears of friendship* .. we bring them together .. and make them whole again ... *happy tears*
I think it's great that you're taking your friendship to another level. Ku'u and I share that kind of friendship .. we often split a cold pack and *sniff* .. when the time is right *tears of friendship* .. we bring them together .. and make them whole again ... *happy tears*