Southern Discomfort
Of course, SnP believes in none of the above.
SnP believes that if he walks into a retail outlet and an employee lays a hand on him, said employee will draw back a bloody stump.
SnP likewise believes that if he enters a retail outlet and observes the employees engaged in a group hug, he will post haste exit said outlet and spend his money in a differing locale where the paid staff isn't quite so freaky.
Because, you see, SnP believes it's his money. Well, what the wunnerful fedral gubmint lets him KEEP is his money. And the last time SnP checked his calendar, the election is still a ways off, meaning that Klinton/Obamalama have yet to ascend to the throne of all powerfulness and in doing so robbed SnP of what few pennies he has left so the dope dealers can afford another pair of Nikes. Thus, SnP will decide where SnP's money will be spent, and which public displays of fuggin quackery will not be tolerated. Like grown people hangin all over one another in the name of lower prices. And stuff.
SnP further believes that anyone who has problem number one with any of the above can get themselves a quarter mile running head start and kiss each and every square inch of his rosy red asshole, with feeeeeling.
You may now return to putting toilet bowl cleaner on shelves.