Well-Known Member
He is not her. It's only his avatar that is of a girl
Coffee Bean said:I saw me try and get out of the conversation with her. She just kept trolling.
can't really trust the country
waving their minute manhoods into the air
leaders are working on agendas of quests for power and greed
their own self perpetuated propoganda
Their current actions are an act of terrorism
They are hypocrites and liars, and their naive bleeding heart sheep
are nothing but apologists
jerked around by their own leaders, and are too selfish to realize it.
they are being such idiots
their unintelligent herd of a populous
hiding behind transparent lies.
liberal terrorist apologists from this country
Are you really this naive?
You... You seem to be an incredible expert in that area.flavio said:Now tell me again...who was trolling?
Jerrek said:You... You seem to be an incredible expert in that area.flavio said:Now tell me again...who was trolling?
flavio said:Are you just trying to give some more examples of baseless flamebait? I'd say you did a fair job.
outside looking in said:France doesn't support war right now out of their own selfish interests.
Half of US citizens will always believe there is an alternative to war until the bombs actually start dropping. No amount of proof will ever change that fact.
the pro war people?Those who can think intelligently and rationally
will continue to make informed decisions on their
behalf. That's how our republic works.
I find it ironic that the same liberals
who don't want to do anything until after Saddam kills thousands
are the same ones who want to take a gun from my hand before I even point it at someone.
Opinion. Backed by decades of evidence. Do I have to post a book each time I wish to voice my opinion? Get over yourself.flavio said:Conjecture.outside looking in said:France doesn't support war right now out of their own selfish interests.
Figure of speech. Interpreted to mean that most sane people would always prefer not to go to war, until it seems to be the only viable option left. Without detailed intelligence, other options always appear viable to the general population long after they ceased to be viable to those who have access to said intelligence. Thus, the general population tends to only favor going to war when the evidence is obvious and abundant (i.e., figurative bombs dropping).Historically false.Half of US citizens will always believe there is an alternative to war until the bombs actually start dropping. No amount of proof will ever change that fact.
Our elected officials. Hopefully elected because we believe they can think intelligently and rationally. Or, do you vote based on who's hair style you prefer? (yes, that was a jab, in case it wasn't clear).the pro war people?Those who can think intelligently and rationally
"Their" meaning the general population."their" meaning people against war?will continue to make informed decisions on their
Um.... I think you need to do some basic reading. The power of a republic lies in a body of citizens who elect representatives who are responsible to them. These representatives make many decisions on the behalf of the population. In some cases, these representatives have access to information the general population does not. The general population need not agree with all the decisions made by the representatives. Republic. That's precisely how ours works, and that's precisely what I stated That's how our republic works.
Is it not liberals who push for gun control? Where in my statement did I use "liberal" in the context of "those who don't agree with me?" I used it explicitly in the context of "those who push for gun control." Or, is there some politically correct term for "liberal" that I should have known to use to express my opinion? You're getting your feathers ruffled over nothing.The use of the word "liberal" to mean anyone who doesn't agree with you is classic flamebait.I find it ironic that the same liberals
Yes, that was a sweeping generalization that I should not have made. Not all liberals are in favor of "passive solutions" just as not all conservatives are in favor of military action. Had I simply inserted the word 'many' ("I find it ironic that many of the same liberals...") it would have been more accurate. That simple omission was just that however... an omission, not an intended flamebait. Again, you're getting your feathers ruffled over nothing.who said they would like to not do anything until Saddam kills thousands? Flamebait.who don't want to do anything until after Saddam kills thousands
See above.Flamebait. I would like to hold off on war at the moment but am all for personal gun ownership. In fact I believe you would probably find a slew of gun owners in the 59% of the US that would like to see UN support before we jump into war.are the same ones who want to take a gun from my hand before I even point it at someone.
I think it's pretty obvious that any opinion you don't agree with is flamebait to you. You have posted your opinion in the past, but when someone else does the same you call it baseless conjecture (as if your opinion had the support of mountains of historical evidence... sheesh).Now if you don't like my assessment of this as flamebait then tough cookies. I think it's pretty obvious.
OLI said:Half of US citizens will always believe there is an alternative to war until the bombs actually start dropping. No amount of proof will ever change that fact. Those who can think intelligently and rationally will continue to make informed decisions on their behalf. That's how our republic works.
Yes, that was a sweeping generalization that I should not have made. Not all liberals are in favor of "passive solutions" just as not all conservatives are in favor of military action. Had I simply inserted the word 'many' ("I find it ironic that many of the same liberals...") it would have been more accurate. That simple omission was just that however... an omission, not an intended flamebait. Again, you're getting your feathers ruffled over nothing.
Coffee Bean said:It was an opinion. The only problem is your inability to see the difference.
Coffee Bean said:So what if I did?? You've been here all fucking day worrying about it?
What do you need to happen here? what needs to be said to make flavio happy? Name and you'll get it. Anything to get you to stop harassing people.
Squiggy said:I thought flav did an admirable job in his attempt to extract some basis for the original post.