Free, internet, outbound fax services


molṑn labé
Staff member
Anybody know of any? I found one but it sends the cover page with 1/3 advertisements. Not good for prospective employers.
doesn't your dialup modem do that?

or...for 20 bucks, go get a dial up modem and do it from home.
Modem??? :lol:

I don't even own one. For twenty bucks I could fax it from somewhere.
That's why I'm looking for
Free, internet, outbound fax services

I actually may have one or two sitting in the botton of a old & almost useless hardware collection box somewhere.
I love doing it from here.

No "Mike's Variety and Beer" stamped on the top either.
I have a phone line here run *to* it, just because of how my set up is configured within the room, and the difficulty in getting a line run to it behind cabinets and whatnot. But it's not plugged in to jack or computer unless I'm actually using it. I'm still afraid of insidious dialers.
*aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh* that noise, that horrible, horrible noise *shudders uncrontrollably in the corner*
You know you can turn that godawful sound off for most of those? Open the Phone and Modem in Control Panel. Modems -> Properties -> Modem - tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I was obsessed with finding that :lloyd:
Still looking for an XP friendly modem fax program...something that'd work from Word or Adobe Acrobat.

Here's a tech question....I need a filter on every phone to use it correctly because my high-speed uses the phone line. Would I need said filter on a modem?
XP comes with a fax program. You may need to set it up (don't remember whether I did or not but Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications anyway), but after that, you just print (from whatever program you're in or from the desktop or folder the document is in) to the fax instead of the printer, it should be detecting the modem on it's own.

And yep, you need a filter. If you didn't get spares from the phone company and you gotta, you just take the one off the phone for the couple minutes.
if you had a fax machine you use that. if you know of any secondhand computer/office supply joints give them a call. i've seen a lot of working $5 fax machines around. MN has a state surplus depot not far from here that is open to the public. sometimes they have spiffy things like that.

MrBishop said:
Still looking for an XP friendly modem fax program...something that'd work from Word or Adobe Acrobat.

Here's a tech question....I need a filter on every phone to use it correctly because my high-speed uses the phone line. Would I need said filter on a modem?

PM me if you need a filter, i've got a few that came with my dsl modem and i don't use any of them, the dsl is on its own line (yes, i know you don't need the second phone line with dsl)
Is there a Kinko's around there? Having that on the header shouldn't be too embarrassing, and they're open at 3 a.m. and shouldn't mind if you're in your long johns.
Inkara1 said:
Is there a Kinko's around there? Having that on the header shouldn't be too embarrassing, and they're open at 3 a.m. and shouldn't mind if you're in your long johns.
I called one for pricing a long-distance fax the other day....freakin 2.00 for the first sheet and 1.75/sheet after that!