Fun with duct tape, part 2

Um it is two girls... I am not in that picture. I don't, in general, post pictures of me in compromising situations online. :p Sorry to disappoint ya. I got the girls to mess with duct tape... Fun huh? ;)
Jerrek said:
Um it is two girls... I am not in that picture. I don't, in general, post pictures of me in compromising situations online. :p Sorry to disappoint ya. I got the girls to mess with duct tape... Fun huh? ;)

So you don't post pictures of yourself in compromising positions, but pictures of your friends are okay?

Oh, and the "girl" with the tape over her mouth has an adam's apple... :eh:
Ardsgaine said:
So you don't post pictures of yourself in compromising positions, but pictures of your friends are okay?
They don't mind :D I probably don't mind either, but it would be weird. :)
Ardsgaine said:
Jerrek said:
Um it is two girls... I am not in that picture. I don't, in general, post pictures of me in compromising situations online. :p Sorry to disappoint ya. I got the girls to mess with duct tape... Fun huh? ;)

Oh, and the "girl" with the tape over her mouth has an adam's apple... :eh:

maybe jerrek got confused and thought he was a girl :confbang:
ash r said:
Ardsgaine said:
Oh, and the "girl" with the tape over her mouth has an adam's apple... :eh:

maybe jerrek got confused and thought he was a girl :confbang:

Yeah... sloppy t-shirt, baggy pants, no visible breasts, adam's apple... It does look rather suspicious if you ask me. :eh:

Maybe he got confused about whether he really wanted people to know that that was him, or not. :rolleyes:
Well at least if you got a phonecall whilst in that position they could truthfully say you were a little tied up at the moment! :D
sorry... I see the girly features on the taped up one ... all but the boobies that is.. they are well boxed in and at the wrong angle to be seen.
Look, you guys are really cruel to her you know that? :( She is very athletic and rather boyish looking. And yes I like her.
you can expect that kind of reactions if you post a pic of some girl having an insane look in her eyes while duct taping another girl....

extreme photo's get extreme reactions...nothing about us being cruel...should have thought of that before you posted it...:)
Aunty Em said:
Jerrek said:
rather boyish looking. And yes I like her.

Hmmmmmmm.... ? :D
Gah, well, she is very athletic, rather fast when I tried to wrestle her, and surprisingly strong. She normally wears her hair fairly short. She isn't a feminist, but she definitely does not take "because you're a girl" kindly. And she is the type to go and ask a guy if she could help him carry stuff "because you're a guy". :p
i love it when you quote out of the context, aunty :D

sorry J...couldn't resist :D


And she is the type to go and ask a guy if she could help him carry stuff "because you're a guy".

that's cool :D