fury, Leslie, PT, Justin, and others with lots of Karma-giving power..

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If you want you can have my old karma, it would seem i gave it to myself anyhow, small wonder i did'nt know i did eh? myselves prolly aren't talking to each other :tardbang: :crying6:
Squiggy said:
:rofl3: No..It was all those invisible members that weren't showing up in the member count....remember?

Listen mate, i can understand why you're looking for something to take your mind off shit, but i am not the person you should be aiming it at. I do not know what makes you think i gave myself karma, to you OTC may seem like some social order and the internet some second life but to me i come here to have my fun and socalize with people not be the biggest or the one in control. If you're bored, go to the park or something don't go lookin for trouble cause i can give you trouble, i never gave myself any karma put that in your pipe and smoke it, if you continue these accusations i shall lodge a complaint with administration and i WILL see to it that steps are taken.
erm you wanna take this to the PM ring peeps? (i'm not trying to mod here, just asking you to avert war :))
steweygrrrr said:
erm you wanna take this to the PM ring peeps? (i'm not trying to mod here, just asking you to avert war :))

no worries man, not making war. This matter should have been in the PM ring already if an issue was had with it, i was not the one who brought it into public.
You were making fun of what I said happened and I made fun of the explaination you offered...Kind of obvious...
So did I but :shrug: still, the shoutbox wasnt the best place to put it....god I sound like my dad. I feel old :mope:
Squiggy said:
And for the record...I had sent him a PM. He hasn't repied....
AFTER you said that.

I am on an NT 4 machine with IE 5.5, pm replies freeze. I know now eactly where the karma came from, but i won't be telling you, since you saw an oppurtunity to put me in hot soup and made the most of it, who needs to know now knows, you don't and are irrelevant.
I didn't think I was putting you in "hot soup". Like I said, I thought you were doing it as a joke. Till you claimed it was legit.
steweygrrrr said:
Try refreshing your cookies, running NT4 and 5.5 on my workstation and PMs are fine.

cheers that worked, any fix for the quick reply box causing a script error and going to the normal reply page? :D
doesnt do that for me :confused:...ask fury to let you play with the code?

Note: Something just posted on its own! I just tried to post this message and it said sorry the admin has specified that you can only post once every 15 seconds. THE MATRIX HAS ME! :borg:
well Squiggy, put two and two together, i've got a gundelero title that i did not know of, i'm in St.Albans (close to Luton, like 50 miles off from my home, an ip trace by admin can confirm that) at a mate who loves messin with people and computers..... I did not know you could change your karma and i certainly did not ask you to start an investigation, i'm sure fury or one of the other admins would pick up on such an impossible karma leap, i don't know how karma is given and just assumed those that i had were just that. Questioning my credibility is one thing i never take as a joke.
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