fury, Leslie, PT, Justin, and others with lots of Karma-giving power..

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maybe people just like you? thats a good argument? people like trish with lots of Karma giving power? Like it says in the FAQ you can give or take away up to a billion points of Karma....surely someones got to have a big enough amout to give 600 total
First of all, I did not start an investigation. I simply noticed the difference in your karma status between 2:30 and 4:30 AM my time...It was rather obvious. So are you now saying that someone else fudged your karma? I'm being serious. Thats what I'm gleening from your post.
Squiggy said:
First of all, I did not start an investigation. I simply noticed the difference in your karma status between 2:30 and 4:30 AM my time...It was rather obvious. So are you now saying that someone else fudged your karma? I'm being serious. Thats what I'm gleening from your post.

Until i got the message from fury to turn it on cause he was giving me karma i did not even care for the karma, i also made a post in the mod forum asking how to even give karma a few days ago (this can also be verified by admin). I left my user account saved on this machine, something i obviously would not do again. Yea its a pretty lame answer but its the truth and only one i got, sue me, anyone who knows me well would know that i got alot more crap going on to be bothered by 'karma' and how much people who never met me 'like' me.
Errrmmm Stew...I didn't bring it to this thread...As it stands, I would prefer the air cleared and I'll gladly discuss this else where if he wishes...
yes buts its descending into a slanging match. Granted the air should be cleared between you two and a mutually agreed conclusion reached. But if youre gonna argue do it in private. please. I dont like seeing things like this and I'm not having a go at either of you I'm just saying that theres a time and a place for it
steweygrrrr said:
Granted the air should be cleared between you two and a mutually agreed conclusion reached.

Why? It's not like karma makes any difference to ANYTHING, so who cares whether Justin got his legitimately or not, and whether he did it himself or not? For the record I think everyone will agree that in Justin's case, any karma added to his total by another admin is just as justified as any added by anyone else.. they just get to have more fun doing it.. ;) If Squiggy has a problem with the "fairness" of karma ratings then perhps he needs to stop taking it so seriously....
Holy crap, I missed the whole second page of this thread. :eek:

I have given both Justin karma in the past. That's as much as I'm saying about this whole thing. :shrug:
a13antichrist said:
Why? It's not like karma makes any difference to ANYTHING, so who cares whether Justin got his legitimately or not, and whether he did it himself or not? For the record I think everyone will agree that in Justin's case, any karma added to his total by another admin is just as justified as any added by anyone else.. they just get to have more fun doing it.. ;) If Squiggy has a problem with the "fairness" of karma ratings then perhps he needs to stop taking it so seriously....

a13...I could care less if another admin gave him the karma. The point was that I was on the boards when this took place and HE was the only admin who was on at that time. The karma 'bump', as he now explains it, came from a friend of his who accessed otc with Justin's password...and logged on as Justin I assume...:retard: I thought as obvious as the the leaps were, that Justin was just goofing on people. HES the one who got all bent out of shape and started crying that the karma was legit, and how dare I etc...And threatened to have me banned for stating that I wasn't lying. What happened was mathmatically impossible given the members who logged on in that time span. I don't care if he gives himself a gazzillion karma points. But I wasn't lying. And in the end, it appears that he had to admit it... :shrug:
Squiggs he didnt threaten to have you banned after reading through the SB he said if he wasnt the kind of person he is he wouldve banned you. He didnt actually say he would.....
steweygrrrr said:
Squiggs he didnt threaten to have you banned after reading through the SB he said if he wasnt the kind of person he is he wouldve banned you. He didnt actually say he would.....

Justintime said:
If you're bored, go to the park or something don't go lookin for trouble cause i can give you trouble, i never gave myself any karma put that in your pipe and smoke it, if you continue these accusations i shall lodge a complaint with administration and i WILL see to it that steps are taken.

It doesn't seem to bother any of you that HE was calling me a liar by saying that the karma was legit. So I guess theres not alot of reason to continue with this...
Squiggy said:
It doesn't seem to bother any of you that HE was calling me a liar by saying that the karma was legit. So I guess theres not alot of reason to continue with this...
You're right, there isn't. Whoever would like to continue this discussion, please do so in PM. Thanks :beerbang:
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