He swears he didnt play with my post count, so its not him if anyone has issues with THAT 
Squiggy said:First of all, I did not start an investigation. I simply noticed the difference in your karma status between 2:30 and 4:30 AM my time...It was rather obvious. So are you now saying that someone else fudged your karma? I'm being serious. Thats what I'm gleening from your post.
steweygrrrr said:Granted the air should be cleared between you two and a mutually agreed conclusion reached.
a13antichrist said:Why? It's not like karma makes any difference to ANYTHING, so who cares whether Justin got his legitimately or not, and whether he did it himself or not? For the record I think everyone will agree that in Justin's case, any karma added to his total by another admin is just as justified as any added by anyone else.. they just get to have more fun doing it..If Squiggy has a problem with the "fairness" of karma ratings then perhps he needs to stop taking it so seriously....
steweygrrrr said:Squiggs he didnt threaten to have you banned after reading through the SB he said if he wasnt the kind of person he is he wouldve banned you. He didnt actually say he would.....
Justintime said:If you're bored, go to the park or something don't go lookin for trouble cause i can give you trouble, i never gave myself any karma put that in your pipe and smoke it, if you continue these accusations i shall lodge a complaint with administration and i WILL see to it that steps are taken.
You're right, there isn't. Whoever would like to continue this discussion, please do so in PM. ThanksSquiggy said:It doesn't seem to bother any of you that HE was calling me a liar by saying that the karma was legit. So I guess theres not alot of reason to continue with this...