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HomeLAN said:Give him that keyboard (after stripping it of anything removable). I did that with an old one, and have since made it clear that Ted can play with that one, bot NOT MINE! He got the message, and doesn't often go for my keyboard. He wants to tapdance on the desk, but not the keyboard.
You won't believe this but we had actually given him the old one to play with at one point, but he wasn't satisfied with it. When he tore up the newer one, we had to take the old one back from him and start using it again.
This kid is on destructo-matic. I pull him out of one mess and he heads straight off to create another one. He doesn't stop, doesn't pass go and does not collect his two hundred dollars. Don't show him the money, 'cause all he wants is mass destruction and chaos. He is dedicated to his job for the sheer joy of the work, and his job is making my life difficult.