Getting into shape...

Note that I was running that. Now my knees are so gone from all the running I did earlier in my life I couldn't a block without pain. I used to run marathons and 10K's a lot. Knees finally said they had enough of this crap.
So does that mean us couch taters that are in our 40's and their knees are still fine are the fortunate sons?
Winky said:
So does that mean us couch taters that are in our 40's and their knees are still fine are the fortunate sons?

Most defiantely. I have a hard time getting up and standing straight sometimes. Sometimes in the morning I have to reach down and pull my lower leg forward to get a knee to pop so I can straighten it up.
BeardofPants said:
Oh god no. Do you know what GROWS in mayo at room temp?! Jesus, that's why all the jars say "refrigerate after opening". :alienhuh:
But you have to remember, he lives in Mexico. He probably drinks the water too. :hmm:

I lifted the hood of my car earlier today to put oil in it. :shrug: Actually the wife and I are talking about joining a gym that just opened here in pudunkville. Probably get around to it after christmas is over.
Have you had an examination?
Leaving them things grind will end you up looking at a replacement instead of a 'repair'.
A great Doc and a little arthroscopic surgery could work wonders as it has for many of my friends.
They all ended up saying "Damn if I'd a known I'da gone sooner"!
just joined a gym a few weeks back. to say my attendance is sparodic is being kind.
between work and the holidays, its been a tad difficult to go regularly.
My exercise program got cut off. I was doing cardio 5 days a week and weight training 3 days a week and I switched from my arms, my legs and my torso on a certain day.

Now, exercise is pretty much limited to walking up the apartment stairs after walking to the car from the grocery store.
I decided to cut back on the caloric intake after stepping on the scale the other day and noticing that I'd managed to gain back almost all the weight I lost working at Home Depot.
Exercise?... Oh yeah "exercise!"

Well... I run... for the bus/metro, when late for work and on the first day of the sales!

I lift weights... supermarket shopping bags, furniture when hoovering, get quite a few reps done in pint lifting! :D

I get plenty of pelvic exercise :brow:

And if I'm being saintly I do an exercise video in my living room a couple of times a week... :shrug:
Aunty Em said:
When my dad was your age he and 2 other 40+ sargeants beat all the squaddies in their company on a 20 mile march across the desert in Shajah carrying their packs.

Hiking, and running, are completely different animals, m'dear. One requires smooth, steady steps, and the other rapid stepping. :shrug:
Gato_Solo said:
Hiking, and running, are completely different animals, m'dear. One requires smooth, steady steps, and the other rapid stepping. :shrug:
exactly. i can be moving briskly all day but i can't run to save my life. i'm proud of you decreasing your time, gato.
BeardofPants said:
Oh god no. Do you know what GROWS in mayo at room temp?! Jesus, that's why all the jars say "refrigerate after opening". :alienhuh:
Well, if u leave it out in my flat it is refridgerated.
I can't run for long heart-lung is fine but my right knee isn't (ripped pretty much every tendon and damaged cartiledge) . Surgery and 3 casts will do that to you :(

I do bicycle (in hour to hour and a half trips) several times/week during the good cycling months, and walk nightly for about 45mins. I can't afford gyms, but I should have my weight cage setup in January. Hoping to boost my weight back up to my top-form of 220 from my current weight of 190. :D
Winky said:
Have you had an examination?
Leaving them things grind will end you up looking at a replacement instead of a 'repair'.
A great Doc and a little arthroscopic surgery could work wonders as it has for many of my friends.
They all ended up saying "Damn if I'd a known I'da gone sooner"!

Luis G said:
The label saying that it must be refrigerated after open lies.

*standing up on behalf of luis*

a friend of mine never refrigerates her mayo.
they leave it out on their shelf & it doesn't go bad.

i think once you fridge it, it has to stay fridge'd, otherwise, it's good to go at room temp.