Giving Gun Owners A Bad Rep

haha, looks like they just went to a gun show and bought every.single.sticker.

i think that if you're into stickers, 1-2 stickers about ANY cause is ample. clearly this guy doesn't realize we got the point after the first sticker or two!
there are many, many gun owners that do a very good job at making themselves look like buffoons. and there's just as many that need a serious refresher course in range safety.
I personally feel that there are three caveats/provisos to the second amendment:

1) The requirement to be trained is not an infringement upon the right to keep and bear arms.

2) A registry of gun owners does violate the original intent of the second amendment.

3) This right along with any other right can be taken away through due process.

With those three things in mind, I would be all for requiring gun safety courses in order to posses a firearm. You take the course and get a credit card sized certificate. Get caught with a firearm and no safety course and it is a misdemeanor. You then set up a national data base for all those that have lost their right to posses a firearm. Get caught with a firearm while you are on the list and it is a felony. There is no need to track who has a firearm, just track the people that can not have a firearm.

Unfortunately, I don't think this idea would be popular with either side of the issue.
3) This right along with any other right can be taken away through due process.

I was under the impression that the whole point of the second amendment was to prevent rights being taken away by any process, due or otherwise.
yeah not sure where gonz was going with that one. he seems to think everything has something to do with the constitution. like, uh, he could give you a lecture on what the constitution has to do with teen pregnancy.

smurf uprising? it's about the constitution.

anal warts? it's a constitutional issue.
anal warts? it's a constitutional issue.

I thought that was a congressional issue.

Felons can't have guns? That sounds rather stupid. A criminal isn't going to worry excessively about the legalities of owning a gun in the first place, and it opens the door to cutting off any gun possession or use simply by making the registration process so difficult that noone's able to properly complete it. Since owning an unregistered gun is a felony ... voila.

Pretty fucking gullible if you ask me.
yeah not sure where gonz was going with that one. he seems to think everything has something to do with the constitution.

Anything that is from the government is Constitution related. It is the be all & end all of the federal powers. Too bad we the people have forgotten that part.
"I would be all for requiring gun safety courses in order to posses a firearm. You take the course and get a credit card sized certificate. Get caught with a firearm and no safety course and it is a misdemeanor. You then set up a national data base for all those that have lost their right to posses a firearm. Get caught with a firearm while you are on the list and it is a felony. There is no need to track who has a firearm, just track the people that can not have a firearm". - FRODO

Great idea, Frodo. In this state, there is a Firearms Safety Course for teenagers to take before they can get a hunting license. I took it years ago, and it was nothing Pa didn't already teach, but some teens don't have the benefit of a good family guide. Not their fault, so the state gives some training. Tax money well-spent if it reduces hunting accidents.
it was nothing Pa didn't already teach, but some teens don't have the benefit of a good family guide. Not their fault, so the state gives some training.

The trap is set. When they believe the state can do anything in place of family, spring that mofo. SNAP! hardly a whimper.
JTP, I am pretty sure that hunter's ed is by far the norm now for most states now. Gonz, here in NM the state law says minors must have the course, but it is taught by the local NRA. I don't see why a gun safety course for all gun owners couldn't be run the same way.
in WA state you can buy a handgun in a private party transaction without nobody knowing nothing.

in almost all US states the private party sale of long guns, within a single state, is virtually unregulated, as it should be.

the problem of safety, though extremely important, should not be handled by any government agency. all firearms should remain a private matter. just like whatever happens in the bedroom. youz want anybody having lists?
yeah not sure where gonz was going with that one. he seems to think everything has something to do with the constitution. like, uh, he could give you a lecture on what the constitution has to do with teen pregnancy.

smurf uprising? it's about the constitution.

anal warts? it's a constitutional issue.

Yet strangely he supports clearly anti-Constitutional measures whenever it's convenient.