Glitter die


molṑn labé
Staff member
What will hockeytown do?

Disgraced Seventies rock star Gary Glitter could face death by firing squad after he was accused of having sex with a girl aged just 12, police said.

Sexual intercourse with a 12-year old regardless of whether there is consent is still considered rape under Vietnamese law, with a maximum penalty of death before a firing squad, according to the police.

He had already served some time for kiddie porn just two or three years ago. I figured he would be on some kind of watch list.

Perhaps the girls did a little blackmail bit and threatend to turn him in if a fatty bribe didn't cross the table.
He was jailed in the UK for having a huge amount of child pornography on his computer, then went to live in Cambodia, I think. They kicked him out. The British papers have obviously been keeping an eye on him.

Hopefully he does get the death penalty. Unfortunately, how many others are there like him who go to places like Vietnam every year without being so famous and get away with it?
BeardofPants said:
Ugh. If it's true, I hope they string him up by his balls. :disgust:

You don't think a firing squad is appropriate? AFAIK, nobody has died from being "strung up by their balls", leaving them free to revisit their past act of stupidity.
Gato_Solo said:
You don't think a firing squad is appropriate? AFAIK, nobody has died from being "strung up by their balls", leaving them free to revisit their past act of stupidity.
Okay, string him up by the balls, then shoot him.
chcr said:
Okay, string him up by the balls, then shoot him. least make it challenging to the shooters and give him a push so that he sways from left to right.
British glam rocker Gary Glitter was sentenced to three years in prison by a Vietnamese court Friday (March 3) after being found guilty of molesting two 11-year-old girls. The 61-year-old singer was sentenced following a one-day, closed-door trial and proclaimed his innocence after the verdict was read, according to a Reuters report.

Glitter (born Paul Gadd), who has been in jail since November, could be free by December if he wins early parole, according to his lawyer, Le Thanh Kinh.

"I'm innocent," shouted the bald-headed, goateed Glitter, who is best known for his towering pompadour haircut and the early '70s hit "Rock & Roll, Pt. 2," which is still widely used as a hype song at sporting events around the world.
tonksy said:
So card your asian sex slaves....and if they're under age take them to the authorities.

I get the feeling the authorities don`t care, unless it gets international press, then they do something, while the guy belongs in jail, I think he is there to placate the western world, due to media attention.
I believe he was arrested by Vietnamese authorities while in Viet Nam :shrug:
I'm not saying he doesn't deserve what he's getting, I just think it's been blown out of proportion.
MrBishop said: least make it challenging to the shooters and give him a push so that he sways from left to right.

A better idea is to use his gonads as target practice. $100 per nad and if the penis is "accidently" grazed a bonus is awarded for the position...