Too cute for words
They know because they are [trumpet fanfare]SCIENTISTS[/fanfare]. The same folk who tell us all about the dinosaurs what used to run about 72 quidtrillion years ago. Back when we evolved from apes and beat stuff with clubs and dragged our wimmins about by the hair and said "og." The ones who love to tell how we exist because lightning struck a puddle of triptosillysaurus piss at the precise moment of barometric and electromagnetic perfection and caused a critter with a pseudopod to emerge what later became a monkey and shazam, here we are. They know because they have white lab coats and slide rules and clipboards. They got it all worked out on a series of 24 blackboards at Harvard in the math department, and X=pi. Don't question them, they gets a might testy when they have to speak to the common citizenry.
1. Scientists don't make such absolute claims. Self-proclaimed experts do.
2. No one who understands anything at all about evolution thinks we evolved from apes (the club stuff and dragging women around stuff comes from cartoons, BTW).
3. I don't think anyone at all has used a slide rule in more than twenty years.
Just to be clear, the rest of your tirade is equally accurate. Another example of how truth is strictly subjective.