God help the parents

I gave my son a good whipping yesterday.

But he started it.

No really, he did.

Bloody good exercise it was too.

Bet that'll teach him not to tickle me again.

Remember getting them to go to their room was the goal you proposed not me.

Also remember I didn't support the ban.

ok ok...I'll give ya that little bit, as I missed the (non support) of the ban.

If ya really wanna make it interesting though, throw in a disorder
like asperger's syndrome

or ADD....

I've seen cases where even a good spanking/whippin' only servers to get
them to obey, not learn, or calm down.
After about 30mins-2hrs they calm down some, and it's like flipping off a light switch.

There's just so many variables, that there can only be a 'expert' for each
situation, and that's the parent/guardian that lives with them, not the Gov.:nerd:

BTW Spike, why does if seem you are argueing, even when agreeing, most of the time?
I've heard many people say, and found myself saying it a few times.
"If you've GOT to hit your child, you've already lost."

Wha'ts lost? Their respect for you. They might obey, but they're doing it to avoid the pain. They might 'show respect', but it's not to you, but your ability to cause them pain.
I've heard many people say, and found myself saying it a few times.
"If you've GOT to hit your child, you've already lost."

Wha'ts lost? Their respect for you. They might obey, but they're doing it to avoid the pain. They might 'show respect', but it's not to you, but your ability to cause them pain.

I don't fully agree to that, but to some extent.
My brother thinks you can MAKE a kid respect you by fear.
Corporal punishment IS the last resort for me, and I Always make sure
I explain "in depth of the child's understanding", why the punishment has
to be layed down.

I'll admit it, I cry when I have to dish out spankings, but I've seen what's
happened when no 'ultimate' punishment is present at all.
I do use every means possible, and as far as I can remember, I've never
spanked a child less that 4. Maybe just like a smack of the hand, and a good scare,

but I'm with ashR, if they are going pass law no matter what, lower the age to like below 2.

Oh, one thing I always do too, is ask the child if they understand.
Anyone, child or no, that doesn't truly understand why they are being
punished, will probably re-offend.
I've noticed also that some kids learn from their mistakes, better than others.
Oh...I've smacked a hand away...especially if he's endangering himself, his sister or others...but an over the knee spanking? Nope.

There are worst things for him..such as the loss of toys or privileges (like a story at night, going to hockey practice, missing a friend's birthday party) etc...that are more effective, especially if a lost event happens a few days away...he gets to see the loss coming for 2-3 days and it has a larger impact.
*Birthday party on the 28th..punishment give on the 25th. He gets to think about it for the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th.*

His time-outs end with him coming to us and explaining what he did wrong and why it was wrong, usually with a discussion as to how to avoid stepping in it again. He's been known to repeat offenses, but that's kids for ya. He would've re-offended whether I'd spanked him or not.
:confused: Is that your suggestion?

Nope, just what I see happening. My son is thirty and quite a bit bigger than I am. I'm pretty sure he could beat me in a fair fight (probably an unfair one too, since he learned such from me). Now, what's worse, a formalized spanking explained as punishment for a specific infraction or yanking a childs arm half out of the socket in the heat of anger. I've seen it hundreds of times. I've even asked, and been told in no uncertain terms, that "we don't spank our children, that's barbaric." I see, give 'em whiplash but god forbid they can't sit down comfortably for ten minutes or so. :rolleyes:
I just knew this would start sounding like a UN meeting.:D

That may be all good for the kid(s) you've seen.
Obviously you've not had deals with a kid that has asperger's, or autism...

'I' have only 2 places on the body, where a "spanking" may take place, the butt, and the thigh. (depending on the child's actions) (as my personal ethics)
Now, what's worse, a formalized spanking explained as punishment for a specific infraction or yanking a childs arm half out of the socket in the heat of anger. I've seen it hundreds of times. I've even asked, and been told in no uncertain terms, that "we don't spank our children, that's barbaric." I see, give 'em whiplash but god forbid they can't sit down comfortably for ten minutes or so. :rolleyes:

You've seen it to aye?
My dad did that to us, and I'm not goin' for it.
I've taken a kid to the hospital because of a dislocation. It makes me want
to beat the adult that did it.
Oh...I've smacked a hand away...especially if he's endangering himself, his sister or others...but an over the knee spanking? Nope.

There are worst things for him..such as the loss of toys or privileges (like a story at night, going to hockey practice, missing a friend's birthday party) etc...that are more effective, especially if a lost event happens a few days away...he gets to see the loss coming for 2-3 days and it has a larger impact.
*Birthday party on the 28th..punishment give on the 25th. He gets to think about it for the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th.*

His time-outs end with him coming to us and explaining what he did wrong and why it was wrong, usually with a discussion as to how to avoid stepping in it again. He's been known to repeat offenses, but that's kids for ya. He would've re-offended whether I'd spanked him or not.

And there are kids who do not respond to loss of priviledge, time out, and other alternatives. I know. I'm raising one.
Gimme time...he's not quite 5 yet. I'm sure that I'll have to get more imaginative as he gets older. :p


Are you saying that all your kid responds to is a beating or a suggestion thereof, or is this something which changed over time?
Are you saying that all your kid responds to is a beating or a suggestion thereof, or is this something which changed over time?


My kid gets "the look" & crumbles.

I took hands & belts & switches with a grain of salt & several thousand tears yet onward & forward 'til they kill us or I win was my motto.