I've heard many people say, and found myself saying it a few times.
"If you've GOT to hit your child, you've already lost."
Wha'ts lost? Their respect for you. They might obey, but they're doing it to avoid the pain. They might 'show respect', but it's not to you, but your ability to cause them pain.
I don't fully agree to that, but to some extent.
My brother thinks you can MAKE a kid respect you by fear.
Corporal punishment IS the last resort for me, and I Always make sure
I explain "in depth of the child's understanding", why the punishment has
to be layed down.
I'll admit it, I cry when I have to dish out spankings, but I've seen what's
happened when no 'ultimate' punishment is present at all.
I do use every means possible, and as far as I can remember, I've never
spanked a child less that 4. Maybe just like a smack of the hand, and a good scare,
but I'm with ashR, if they are going pass law no matter what, lower the age to like below 2.
Oh, one thing I always do too, is ask the child if they understand.
Anyone, child or no, that doesn't truly understand why they are being
punished, will probably re-offend.
I've noticed also that some kids learn from their mistakes, better than others.