God help the parents

Flavio's real name is Sally Lieber, D-Mountain View?

What really gets me is this:

"I think it's pretty hard to argue you need to beat a child," Lieber said. "Is it OK to whip a 1-year-old or a 6-month-old or a newborn?"

Big difference between a spanking and a beating. If she can't see the difference between the two, then she's obviously not fit to be a parent. I hope she doesn't have any kids of her own.

I was spanked a grand total of probably four times growing up. Other methods of punishment were usually used. I plan to raise my kids the same way... as in, spanking won't be the first, second or even third resort, but I reserve that right in case it's necessary.
The kids will OWN the parents.:confused:

Seems a little alarmist. If you let a 4 year old own you just because you can't spank them then you're not trying very hard.

I think a law against it will may just tie up an already overloaded court system though.
i think kids know what's going on before age 4. i don't think it makes any sense to spank a child too young to know any better (i.e. the 6mo or 1yr old the lady in the article mentioned), but by 4, they should be able to understand their punishment. so i think if the law really has to be enacted, the age should be lowered.
i also don't think spanking is absolutely necessary in the first place. i think there are other ways to discipline children that are also effective... but i will say that the very few times my parents have spanked me -- and in later years a slap across the face -- have been VERY effective. whatever i did, i wasn't going to to it again.
it probably made a difference that they didn't use that form of punishment very often, so i KNEW that when they did, i must have REALLY done something wrong.
WTF are you talking about?

Make the government the be all & end all of everything. Parents can't apply their beliefs when the state has the children or controls the parents influence over them.
Make the government the be all & end all of everything. Parents can't apply their beliefs when the state has the children or controls the parents influence over them.

and yet you're for more government control of marriage instead of letting people apply their own beliefs. A little inconsistent.
and yet you're for more government control of marriage instead of letting people apply their own beliefs. A little inconsistent.
I have mo problem with gays "marrying". It means nothing (good)to me, or to God, in my belief. (So it's not up to 'man'.)
There is the matter of other things, state-wise though...taxes, ins....

If you let a 4 year old own you just because you can't spank them then you're not trying very hard.

So, I curious now....
You tell a kid to, say, go to their room, they refuse.....
Then what?

Edit: I'm guessing somewhere along the way, you're going to say
"the kid needs a psychologist.
I have mo problem with gays "marrying". It means nothing (good)to me, or to God, in my belief. (So it's not up to 'man'.)
There is the matter of other things, state-wise though...taxes, ins....

I was actually talking about Gonz's views on government control of how people end a marriage but you make a good point in that he also favors government control of who can marry in the first place.

So, I curious now....
You tell a kid to, say, go to their room, they refuse.....
Then what?

Every situation is different. In your example I would wonder why the 4 year old was being sent to their room in the first place. Assuming that it is appropriate discipline for some previous misconduct calmly explaining that if they did not listen they would not see their favorite toys for awhile could work. If reasoning in a way a 4 year old understands doesn't work picking them up and putting them in their room is always an option.

I don't know that spanking should never happen in certain situations but it is overused many times and wrongly used many times. There are better options for the most part and it seems if you have to resort to spanking then something earlier has gone wrong.

An all out law against spanking kids 4 or under is ill advised because it could clog up the court system. Maybe ash r has a point about the age limit. If you're spanking a 1 year old I think there's a serious problem.
Lord knows I am incapable of raising my own child. I need the federal government with its $1700 hammers to do that for me too. Because I'm incapable. It takes a village ya know. A village filled with queers and illegal aliens and pedophiles on parole and dope smoking jobless 33 year old adolescents and plenty of those peace loving Muslims and don't forget to toss in a few power mad suit wearing lesbian feminists with talk shows an ooh ooh I know we need to include the athiests too and lest we forget toss in some obese uneducated white trash types and..

Lord knows people can't figure out who to marry or when to split up on their own either. Government need not be involved in most personal matters.

As for the kids...Parent do abuse kids sometimes and that should be illegal. Everything else is drawing the line in the right place.

You might know how to raise your kids but obviously many parents don't. People marry, have kids, start families, etc that are ill prepared for any of it.
Lord knows people can't figure out who to marry or when to split up on their own either. Government need not be involved in most personal matters.

And that pertains to this bill in what way again?

As for the kids...Parent do abuse kids sometimes and that should be illegal. Everything else is drawing the line in the right place.

Child abuse is illegal in case you didn't know. In every state. The question, to point out the trees for the forest for you, is whether spanking your own child is abuse.

You might know how to raise your kids but obviously many parents don't. People marry, have kids, start families, etc that are ill prepared for any of it

I do know how, without the help of any source I named including the meddling federal government that so many wish to turn powers over to. My ancestors fought it, I fight it, and I will continue to fight it.

Now, since you are so very adept at asking questions of others and casting doubt at damn near everything, let's hear your solution to people marrying who "aren't qualified" for lack of better term. Seems the questioners seldom provide any answers, so here's your chance to not be an idiot. Dazzle us. Solve the problem you whine about instead of merely whining. And until I see said solution, I don't wanna see another ? at the end of something you say. Either be part of the solution or continue to be part of the problem.
Every situation is different. In your example I would wonder why the 4 year old was being sent to their room in the first place. Assuming that it is appropriate discipline for some previous misconduct calmly explaining that if they did not listen they would not see their favorite toys for awhile could work. If reasoning in a way a 4 year old understands doesn't work picking them up and putting them in their room is always an option.

ok, so when you try to pickup your 3-1/2 yo, and they smack you in the nose,
when you try picking them up....what...
A wrestling match?

You are right there one the first count....
Every situation is different, but also kids are different, households are different...
Single parents, classic families, Only children, multiple children...
All that makes for countless scenarios, so why a New Blanket law?

I don't see where new laws will help, when judges are turning Real abusers loose
with the current law, or it simply isn't enforced. (like the border)
Well, I'm for flogging instead of jail time for certain adult offenses, so you know where I stand. Corporal punishment works in many (probably most) cases. OTOH, if you do it too often the kid usually figures out that it doesn't hurt that much.
and yet you're for more government control of marriage instead of letting people apply their own beliefs.


Man & woman has always been marriage. Nothing has changed. It's the others who are tying to re-define marriage after generations of it having definition.