GOD is a lazy slob.

I believe in "God" as a universal life force rather that some sort of senscient being.

As for religions... most of them were formed when we had little understanding of the world around us and the majority of the population were illiterate. The world is a much less frightening place if you can explain away it's complexities in familiar terms.
According to Christian/Catholic theology....

The Bible was written by human(s), with divine intervention from God. Remebering this, it's not impossible to mesh creationism with science.

IF God created the universe and all we see using the mechanisms that science has revealed, it's not out of the question that when God was divinely intervening with the authors of the Bible that He changed the language so that the author(s) would understand He was saying. I imagine God was (and still is) pretty smart, he would understand the concept of writting for a specific audience.

I have my doubts that if He were to tell the author(s)...

"In all my glory, I created a single dense ball of matter, which explodeth into the cosmos, which begat many galaxies, stars, plants and asteroids. On one chosen planet you have named Earth, I created a single celled organism, which over time splitith into many, and through mutations and evolution, eventually begat all the creatures on the land and in the sea. Except the sea cow. That was a mistake, I let St. Michael make that one. Never again."

...that they would be able to grasp what He was saying. So He simplified it into words the people of the time could understand. Makes sense to me, anyway.

rrfield said:
According to Christian/Catholic theology....

The Bible was written by human(s), with divine intervention from God. Remebering this, it's not impossible to mesh creationism with science.

IF God created the universe and all we see using the mechanisms that science has revealed, it's not out of the question that when God was divinely intervening with the authors of the Bible that He changed the language so that the author(s) would understand He was saying. I imagine God was (and still is) pretty smart, he would understand the concept of writting for a specific audience.

I have my doubts that if He were to tell the author(s)...

"In all my glory, I created a single dense ball of matter, which explodeth into the cosmos, which begat many galaxies, stars, plants and asteroids. On one chosen planet you have named Earth, I created a single celled organism, which over time splitith into many, and through mutations and evolution, eventually begat all the creatures on the land and in the sea. Except the sea cow. That was a mistake, I let St. Michael make that one. Never again."

...that they would be able to grasp what He was saying. So He simplified it into words the people of the time could understand. Makes sense to me, anyway.

You make it sound almost plausible, except for the sea cow... I can't believe Micheal had a hand in that, surely it was Gabriel! :lol:
Buttcrackdivine, you should read Michael Cordy's "The Miracle Strain". I think you'd find it very interesting.

A little rough around the edges, but still the best book I've read in years.

Oh, and go and see "Bruce Almighty", hahahaha...

rrfield said:
According to Christian/Catholic theology....

The Bible was written by human(s), with divine intervention from God. Remebering this, it's not impossible to mesh creationism with science.

IF God created the universe and all we see using the mechanisms that science has revealed, it's not out of the question that when God was divinely intervening with the authors of the Bible that He changed the language so that the author(s) would understand He was saying. I imagine God was (and still is) pretty smart, he would understand the concept of writting for a specific audience.

I have my doubts that if He were to tell the author(s)...

"In all my glory, I created a single dense ball of matter, which explodeth into the cosmos, which begat many galaxies, stars, plants and asteroids. On one chosen planet you have named Earth, I created a single celled organism, which over time splitith into many, and through mutations and evolution, eventually begat all the creatures on the land and in the sea. Except the sea cow. That was a mistake, I let St. Michael make that one. Never again."

...that they would be able to grasp what He was saying. So He simplified it into words the people of the time could understand. Makes sense to me, anyway.

My take on it is this:

People as a whole are scared when they dont understand something. They need to make something bigger than themselves to believe in and justify it. What could be bigger thand god? It was just a way of letting people who didnt understand the world and why things happened understand.
but dude the saint michael thing is right on the button :headbng2:
I believe religion generally is a disguised form of controlling people who don't have the desire to form their own belief system. Therefore, I am not a religious person, but I do believe there is some form of God watching over us most of the time. I don't see any other possible explanation for miracles (e.g. suddenly getting yourself lost on a long trip before you even got started on it, and later finding out the same area you would've been driving in has been flattened by a tornado - one I personally experienced). Then again, I wonder why certain things are let to happen like 9/11/01, Saddam Hussein, screaming ape...*cough*err...rap rhymes (because most of it today is not really music), and Britney Spears
what i dont get is ya know all those bible stories and stuff about like god makeing the world and all that stuff science proves it wrong and like adam and eve well ppl jus dont pop out of no where they evolve or however you spell it so yea.... i dont get it
BoyScout91689 said:
what i dont get is ya know all those bible stories and stuff about like god makeing the world and all that stuff science proves it wrong and like adam and eve well ppl jus dont pop out of no where they evolve or however you spell it so yea.... i dont get it

I tend to be more of a "creationist" than an "evolutionist". I also don't necessarily believe that science 'proves' "it" wrong, either. To me, it's kind of like .. we don't know the answers, just the situations. The outcome. So we make an answer plausible enough for us to believe. This is the case, in my opinion, for scientific reasoning as well as creationist reasoning.

Now, don't flame me - I'm not disputing science or scientific studies. But I just cannot grasp evolution, in my mind, and make it work for me. To me, saying something like "the (animal in question) evolved this way to make catching its prey easier" is ... ludicrous. Maybe the animal catches its prey the way it does because that's how it was made and that's what's supposed to happen.

*shrugs* Again, only opinions. I tend to steer clear of debates on religious/creationist/evolusionist topics.
Rose said:
*shrugs* Again, only opinions. I tend to steer clear of debates on religious/creationist/evolusionist topics.

what you have to remember here Rose is that an opinion is never wrong
Im still confused i mean if your right how'd did science ppls find all these like links to evolution and if im right why does the bible say that sorta stuff
Some prevelant theories in the western Judeo/Christian world...

1) Pure evolution. Some random amino acids formed together in the right place at the right time, a cell was born. It divided, turned into a fish a few million years later, the fish grew lungs, legs and opposable thumbs and turned into monkies, then humans. All this happened gradually, along a fairly straight timeline.

2) Boom and Bust evolution. A lot like the above, only periods of evolution occured in bursts, with a lot of evolution taking place all at once, often triggered by extreem changes in the environment. According to this theory, we are currently in a Bust period (little evolution taking place)

3) Read the Bible, that's the answer. Those who interpret the Bible literally subscribe to this theory. 7 days.

4) God has a guiding hand. Yes God created the universe, but not in 7 24 hour periods. He created the mechanisms through which evolution has taken place and has at some points along the way guided these processes. He made the dense ball of matter that exploded.

There are plenty more throughout the world which I'm not well versed on. I think some Hindu sects have a theory that the universe started from a seed?

If there is evolution (Towards a better and more reproductive form)...then ther must be devolution (Failures not quite bad enough to stop reproduction, but bad enough to make useless things).

So..where are the two-headed dogs and cats with wings? If evolution is random...why not have some people born with two-opposeable thumbs per hand? UV Vision? Brains that actually use more than only 20% ?

Just a thought..evolution isn't the answer...it's another question. What if evolution (positive) is God's hand in forming the future?
MrBishop said:
Take the legal drinking age as an example...the law in the USA says 21...in Canada, it's 18...QUOTE]

It is? Shit. All those kids in Ontario are gonna be thrilled to hear it.
God may be a lazy slob, but some of his followers aren't... I've just been buzzed by "the church of the latter day saints" (mormons).

I very politely declined their invitation to discuss god on my doorstep. You'd think that by 8pm at night they'd have had enough and gone home.
Professur said:
MrBishop said:
Take the legal drinking age as an example...the law in the USA says 21...in Canada, it's 18...

It is? Shit. All those kids in Ontario are gonna be thrilled to hear it.

It's 18 here too, but that doesn't stop the underage ones from pestering passersby to get them a few cans from the offy...
Professur said:
MrBishop said:
Take the legal drinking age as an example...the law in the USA says 21...in Canada, it's 18...

It is? Shit. All those kids in Ontario are gonna be thrilled to hear it.

:rofl4: @ Prof

Bish: Drinking age everywhere in Canada except Quebec is 19 sweetie.
rrfield said:
Some prevelant theories in the western Judeo/Christian world...

1) Pure evolution. Some random amino acids formed together in the right place at the right time, a cell was born. It divided, turned into a fish a few million years later, the fish grew lungs, legs and opposable thumbs and turned into monkies, then humans. All this happened gradually, along a fairly straight timeline.

2) Boom and Bust evolution. A lot like the above, only periods of evolution occured in bursts, with a lot of evolution taking place all at once, often triggered by extreem changes in the environment. According to this theory, we are currently in a Bust period (little evolution taking place)

3) Read the Bible, that's the answer. Those who interpret the Bible literally subscribe to this theory. 7 days.

4) God has a guiding hand. Yes God created the universe, but not in 7 24 hour periods. He created the mechanisms through which evolution has taken place and has at some points along the way guided these processes. He made the dense ball of matter that exploded.

There are plenty more throughout the world which I'm not well versed on. I think some Hindu sects have a theory that the universe started from a seed?

That last one is also referred to as creationism-evolution, I think, where God creates the matter and the catalyst that causes that matter to eventually evolve into what we are now.
Or maybe God is just the God of this planet, and there are other Gods for every other planet, and they're all in a competition to see who can create the overall dumbest "intelligent" beings.

I think our God is winning. :beerbang: