God is non-existant

I beleive there is a supreme power, but I don't believe he or she truly intends for us to worship him the way the churches say we must. I used to think that being a preist or minister was a very honorable thing to do. Now, it's a career. For some, it's a career that allows them unquestioned access to our children. I've lost my religon, for god anyway a few years ago.

My belief is this. The bible was written by a bunch of control freaks who figured if they could get thier people to believe all this crap, then they could control them better, eliminate murder, theft, adultery, and all the other bad shit that was going down. And so, for a couple thousand years, it worked. Now, people are starting to come to their senses. People realize that this stuff is wrong, not because a book says it is wrong, but because it is just wrong. And, when people realize this, they also realize that the teachings in the bible were just that, teachings. Good stuff? yeah. Written by divine inspiration? No.
Also, I will stand behind Gonz's statement as well. Religon is Good. It's followers are fucked up. I don't think he meant that in the broadest sense. Not all of it's followers are fucked up, but if you look at every war before the 18th century, and half of the wars since then, religon was a major part of the cause of the war. People can be whipped up into a religous fevor for the smallest things. People use religon to justify their actions, no matter how heinous they are. You don't hear about athiests going on killing sprees to rid the world of believers, however, if you look at serial killers, theres a common bond among them, quite a few have said they were only ridding the world of those unworthy, or nonbelievers, or doing it because God told them to.

Now, to say that all religous people are fucked up is a bit broad, as that would encompass several members of my family. Some of them deserve the label too, however, some don't. Some people just use religon to make themselves feel better. Old people especially, when they start realizing they are going to die soon, suddenly find jesus. I certainly hope if there is a God, and Satan, that Satan is reserving a special place for people like that.
PuterTutor said:
You don't hear about athiests going on killing sprees to rid the world of believers,
You live in a shallow world. Ever heard of Stalin? Lenin? Hitler?

Now, to say that all religous people are fucked up is a bit broad, as that would encompass several members of my family.
Yup, most of my family are apparently fucked up, most of my friends, and some of my coworkers, all fucked up beyond belief.

You are one of the worst of the fucked up variety. You not only believe very strongly, but you will not accept others to believe differently than you. You've done this with abortion, politics, the military, and most other topics we've discussed here. You won't see someone elses point of view, you won't consider for a second that your point of view may be wrong. You really need to grow up and open your mind a bit, just because someone is disagreeing with you does not mean it is a personal insult to your beliefs, people think different things, for different reasons. You're beliefs, although valid to you, may be flawed.

Most of us here have conceded at one time or another that we were wrong. I just wonder, when is the last time you have?
PuterTutor said:
My belief is this. The bible was written by a bunch of control freaks who figured if they could get thier people to believe all this crap, then they could control them better, eliminate murder, theft, adultery, and all the other bad shit that was going down. And so, for a couple thousand years, it worked. Now, people are starting to come to their senses. People realize that this stuff is wrong, not because a book says it is wrong, but because it is just wrong. And, when people realize this, they also realize that the teachings in the bible were just that, teachings. Good stuff? yeah. Written by divine inspiration? No.

Maybe, thats exactly what religion is all about isn't it. control!!!

I don't know what I believe in this respect, but clearly EVERY translation can't be "right" even if there was one "divinely inspired" work. Something is clearly lost in translation, and language and meaning changes quite dramatically over time, so I think people who get too caught up on things like this are grasping at straws a little. I mean the verse quoters. :(

I don't like them!

I won't run down religions, but at the same time, lets not forget they are about control. Belief in God however is not in itself religion.

If indeed there is a God, I can't believe that he would want everyone fighting over which religion is better. If there are many, maybe they would though, like the greek gods or something. Who knows? Certainly not me.
I don't get it. Gonz called followers of a religion fucked. I'm defending against that. Is that now just wrong? I believe very strongly in my religion, and I'm defending in the fact that I'm not fucked up because I simply follow a religion. Nothing more. What the hell is wrong with defending against that? What I do NOT do is force my religion on others. I will tell them if they ask, but thats it. So someone is an atheist he is fucked up. Lets see who else you guys include on that list:

Abraham Lincoln
Ronald Reagan
Mother Teresa
George Washington

and countless others. I'm defending them all, not just me. I don't think they were fucked up because they were religious at all.
Then report it, LL. I don't really give a shit. I'll stand by what I wrote too. ANY chance you read the rest of that post too, or are you too good for that too?
I must admit, what was said was a little rude, and offensive. Sorry, maybe I should have commented on that first, since it seems to be the issue. There might have been a better way to put it. However, as a rule, the must devout and zelot religious people are usually the ones that worry me too. I'm not saying all religous people are F***** I'm just saying they tend to have issues, but people who are extreme in ANYTHING worry me. Not to say I haven't met my share of aethiest with issues either. Whenever the blind flock is following its master it can get into trouble. Whether the master be a religous leader, a political leader, or a scientific leader. Blind faith CAN be bad, but doesn't necesarily have to be so. I prefer individuals following individual beliefs to a mob or people following ANYTHING blindly, whether it be religion, politics, or whatever!!!

religious nuts aren't nuts just because they are religous. You realize that right. If they didn't have religion to cling to, they would simply find something else. Nut cases just tend to find something to make them feel better, and for some it happens to be religion.

Don't take offense LL, I'm not refering to you. I don't think you fit into these catagories. Ok, maybe you follow the heard some what in political aspects though ;) I'm just saying, there are plenty of crazy people who aren't religious. However, when someone insane "hijacks" some religion (to us a Bushism) and thinks he is doing sometihing "inspired by God" or thinks he or she is God, you tend to have problems.

You guys are lumping people together. Its basically discrimation. Plain and simple, you are discriminating against religous people and stereotyping them. Ok, maybe there is some cause for it, but you are using a bad stereotype. You could say religous people tend to be annoying, that might be more accurate!!!
So you say I should consider the possibility that 70+% of the world, including me, my parents, my brother and sister, more of my family, most of my friends, a lot of my countrymen, some of our founding fathers are indeed because we are/were religiou?
Fuck it, I'm closing this thread. If you don't like it, tough shit, leave for all I fucking care.