God is non-existant

Ive been reading Gonzos writings for 18 months. I know how to pick his intents out and compare it against all that hes said in the past. I know by and large his jist on the world and made a corresponding judgement call.

unclehobart - official gonz interpreter

I coulda told you the same thing without having to know his posting style, because it's my belief too. Don't necessarily have to know gonz to know that. :p
over 80 posts in under 3 hours in a semi-intelligent discussion. Is that a record?
I don't know, but it's sure as hell more entertaining than 40 posts in 5 minutes in the 10,000 post thread. It's more exciting than an episode of Raw! :headbang:

A toast to semi-intelligent discussions :toast:

until tomorrow, remember this, if you are offended, get clarification before jumping to conclusions. :wave:

You mean... actual discussion... inside the 10k thread?

Somebody pinch me... :D preferrably Nixy :brow:
that was fun.

hex already started an abortion thread, so whats on the slate for tomorrow??
so whats on the slate for tomorrow??
I was thinking maybe something about politics... Wait, we've talked about that already... What about... no, that's what THIS thread was about... :retard:

Hang on, I'll think of something...
damnit i hate it when i sleep

then i hate it wheni have to go to work and after reading a long thread don't have time to post to it properly.

see you all at 12noon est :)
unclehobart said:
yawn.. too easy. :) Be subtle next time. Start off with 'My supreme being can out thumb wrestle your omniscient divine force.'

or my god has a bigger dick than your god. i dont really believe in god per se i believe in deities tho.
Nixy said:
I don't know if I believe there is a God or not, I'm not sure. I do however know that if there is one there is ONLY one.

How can you "know" that. There could be many, just as likely as there could be none ;) You believe that ;)

Just a clarification.

Having said that, and having been "taught' over and over and over again, in class after class after class that basically there is no God, I think there is a God, and i will agree with Nixy that I THINK there is ONLY ONE. I was premed for a while (too long really), so all that bio does a pretty good job of convincing ya there is no God. I believed that for a while, but I don't anymore. I can't say i was ever really an aethest, but I was close, call it psudoaethism I guess, cuz it was too depressing to throw out mysticism all together, and blame all the "miracles" and mystical events in life on someones intoxication or drug use. I suppose its possible, its just not what I CHOOSE to believe.

I certainly won't beat anyone over the head wth my beliefs. The worthless catholics tried to do that to me while I was getting married in Europe this summer. Thats was tbe end of that, I won't even listen to anything from a worthless priest. Now I didnt think of them less than other people or other religions in the past, but I do now. Long story sorry!!! My wife is catholic, I'm not, but I was forced to go to catholic school, I always failed religon though, and I was kicked out ;) Ok, that didn't make since. I told them I was basically catholic for the wedding, so we could have it in the church sense I was forced to "be a catholic" when i was younger. I hate that about catholics, forcing religion upon babies and children. Well, anyway, moving on.

As for "right" or "wrong" religion. I have no idea, and I don't pretend to know. To each his or her own, that what I say. If you want to be an aethiest, more power to ya. It helps a little in life, makes that whole "right" and "wrong" thing a little more loosely defined. Personally, I wish I could ascend to that level, and free myself of some of the confines of believing at least to a certain degree in God. But I won't.

its that whole "Pascal's wager" thing again (it was Pascal wasn't it? My memory is getting rusty). Its better to believe, and be wrong, than not to, and be wrong.

Again, just my own opinion and belief.

Oh, one more thing to clarify, I will never argue an issue from the a point of view other than aethism, because it undermines the argument in most cases, so don't be surprised that I come accross as an aethiest in my posts. I'm not really, its just we all have to be on the same page when making logical arguments. Religion isn't a valid basis for too many arguments, if any.
Nixy said:
Anyone who feels that their religion is the RIGHT religion and other religions are wrong is FUCKED, anyone who believes they are better than others because they are of a certain religion is FUCKED. (snip) If what you believe says that you are right and everyone not of your specific religion is wrong then you are FUCKED.

Ah so now I'm doubly fucked, because I believe in only one God, and because I believe that my religion is right and the rest are wrong. Thats religion. If you think everyone is sorta right, then its not religion.

What I don't do is force it onto other people. If they ask I will tell them. I will offer to tell them too, but they have to ask for it. I do NOT go around telling people they are wrong or right, but personally I believe that I'm right and they are wrong. Its religion. Deal with it.
Ok, if you had read all my post you would have seen that I was saying I believe there is only one God aswell. That is not one of the things that makes me believe someone is FUCKED :rolleyes:
Religion is so very telling people that they are wrong when they try to pass laws to force their neighbors to conform to their ideal of moralities. Religious types who raise their own to believe whatever they believe is perfectly fine... just dont try and force such beliefs upon me and my own without my say so.