Well-Known Member
That's kind of lame. You could have given us some kind of intillectual stimuli to chew on, or at the least tell us why you believe this statement.I just wanted to start a big argument, I didn't really plan on being in it...
Ah so now I'm fucked because I defend myself and because I'm a religious. There is no hope for me, is there? Ooo, what must I do?Gonz said:prime example.![]()
4. You agree not to upload, transmit, distribute or otherwise publish in any Forum any material that is:
1. Libelous, defamatory, excessively obscene or abusive, or an invasion of privacy;
it made what I stated all the more valid. Instead of clarification, you jumped to conclusions. My remarks were not in violation of the AUP. They are not, nor were they intended for any particular individual.Why don't you just fuck off ok?
Stating that all followers of religion
fury said:If you were any bit the religious nut you make yourself out to be, you'd know that Jehova was never his name, it was just a mispronunciation of his name, YHWH. The closest phonetic spelling in English is "iaoeh", or roughly translated, "yah-weh".
Just thought you should know![]()
That is a valid deductive assumption. You stated quite plainly thatGonz said:for that matter
Stating that all followers of religion
is your assumption. I never wrote that.
LastLegionary said:You know very well I can't prove that God exists save by faith.But the point I'm trying to make is, you can't prove that God does not exist either.
mods posting here do so as individuals and are not representing otc, neither can they abuse their position as moderators. they have as much right to post personal opinions as other members however.
For me it is enough. You really can't know the feeling if you don't get to that level.Ardsgaine said:LastLegionary said:You know very well I can't prove that God exists save by faith.But the point I'm trying to make is, you can't prove that God does not exist either.
Is that enough for you? Are you going to believe in something just because you can't prove that it doesn't exist? Does that satisfy your standard of rationality?
I can't really argue with that.Consider this... If I want to prove that a certain species of tropical bird exists, how do I do it? There is no argument one could present that would even begin to prove its existence without some sort of physical evidence. If someone says that the bird does exist yet refuses to present evidence, says that I'm to take its existence on faith; I'm not required to disprove it. I'm not even required to consider it as a possiblity. He's made absolutely no claim upon my reason. His words are just empty sounds devoid of sense.
All proof begins with what we see. The evidence of our senses. From that data we form concepts, we induce principles, make our arguments and draw our conclusions. Everything we know has to be reducible back down to that evidence. That is what rationality consists of: being connected to the facts of reality.
Not always. You can have faith and still be connected to reality. I don't pretend to go around doing miracles, but I do believe. If I'm blind, then I'm blind. But sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and until you do, there is no way of knowing how ... complete you feel. It probably sounds like nonsense to you and most people here, but ... I am not afraid to die because I know where I'm going.Faith is belief in something absent any evidence. Faith means rejecting rationality, and abandoning one's connection to reality. If you're going to believe in God, then you need evidence-- you're too smart to simply shrug your shoulders, close your eyes and believe in something blindly.
OK so now you classified me. I'm now to choose whether I:Gonz said:I belittled religious zealots & the followers of such insanity. Those who follow Gods law are not included. Those who blaspheme Jehovah, for lack of better term, using his name in vain & claiming to be disciples of His & then use that power to swindle, rape, pillage, murder or otherwise take advantage of authority NOT granted by Him are fucked.
Which category do you count yourself LL?
Not according to our oh so beautiful and intelligent administratorSpot said:nor is she "fucked",
Thank you, now I know I'm not the only one.however, i was offended by that statement also.
I'm not sure what you meant now. Look, English is my third language ok? Sometimes I don't get the meanings people convey. Please explain to me... You said all religious people are fucked. So obviously I have to be in the latter among the murderers and so on. Then you asked me to categorize myself... so I pick all of them because I'm really fucked up...Gonz said:you seem to have missed a very important line. if you choose to focus on the negative, more power to you.