God is non-existant

ris is going to have such a sweet time tomorrow morning. Expect him to do the job that TWO fucking Administrators failed to do. Hopefully.
Religion is fine. Those who choose to use religion as a weapon or justification of force to coerce or deprive others of life, liberty, or property are fucked.
Spot said:
gonz - i read the initial statment to say that since my g/f follows a religion, she is fucked.
i know you have no way of knowing that she is religious and that the statement wasn't a personal attack, i just found the statement to be very flippant.
I second that. I also read it that way. What you meant is irrelevant. What people perceive IS relevant, and right now most people interpreted that as:

If you are religious, you are FUCKED UP.[/siz]
unclehobart said:
Religion is fine. Those who choose to use religion as a weapon or justification of force to coerce or deprive others of life, liberty, or property are fucked.
I can agree with that. ;)
unclehobart said:
Religion is fine. Those who choose to use religion as a weapon or justification of force to coerce or deprive others of life, liberty, or property are fucked.

*DING DING DING* We have a winner
Religion is fine. Those who choose to use religion as a weapon or justification of force to coerce or deprive others of life, liberty, or property are fucked.

i agree
Gonz said:
unclehobart said:
Religion is fine. Those who choose to use religion as a weapon or justification of force to coerce or deprive others of life, liberty, or property are fucked.

*DING DING DING* We have a winner
That isn't what you said in your first post buster. Changing your tune?
Ok, now that you understand the reasoning:

Question-who are those that "choose to use religion as a weapon or justification of force to coerce or deprive others of life, liberty, or property"?

Answer-it's followers (not all followers, not most followers, not even a plurality of followers) but THEY ARE STILL FOLLOWERS
Gonz said:
Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked up.

The way this reads to me is that Gods and the intents and words of dieties are infallable as written. It is the inherint weakness of the human spirit that leads to misinterpretations of the lessons being conveyed... leading to fucked up actions by some who would use it as a weapon rather than a blueprint for a just life.
unclehobart said:
Gonz said:
Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked up.

The way this reads to me is that Gods and the intents and words of dieties are infallable as written. It is the inherint weakness of the human spirit that leads to misinterpretations of the lessons being conveyed... leading to fucked up actions by some who would use it as a weapon rather than a blueprint for a just life.

See, I made myself perfectly clear. :D
You don't need to have religion to lead a good life. Some people might use it to have something to believe in while working towards that life, but it is not a requisite to living well.
unclehobart said:
Gonz said:
Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked up.

The way this reads to me is that Gods and the intents and words of dieties are infallable as written. It is the inherint weakness of the human spirit that leads to misinterpretations of the lessons being conveyed... leading to fucked up actions by some who would use it as a weapon rather than a blueprint for a just life.


you read all that in 8 words??

are you a lawyer or a politician?? :D
Spot said:
unclehobart said:
Gonz said:
Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked up.

The way this reads to me is that Gods and the intents and words of dieties are infallable as written. It is the inherint weakness of the human spirit that leads to misinterpretations of the lessons being conveyed... leading to fucked up actions by some who would use it as a weapon rather than a blueprint for a just life.


you read all that in 8 words??

are you a lawyer or a politician?? :D
I was thinking the same thing.
HOLD THE DAMNED PHONE. I'm an atheist & I'm arguing for religion? Can we have a do over?
Spot said:
unclehobart said:
Gonz said:
Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked up.

The way this reads to me is that Gods and the intents and words of dieties are infallable as written. It is the inherint weakness of the human spirit that leads to misinterpretations of the lessons being conveyed... leading to fucked up actions by some who would use it as a weapon rather than a blueprint for a just life.


you read all that in 8 words??

are you a lawyer or a politician?? :D
Ive been reading Gonzos writings for 18 months. I know how to pick his intents out and compare it against all that hes said in the past. I know by and large his jist on the world and made a corresponding judgement call.
I don't know if I believe there is a God or not, I'm not sure. I do however know that if there is one there is ONLY one. You can call Him anything you want but we are all human and if there is a spiritual being He watches over ALL of us. The people who use God as an excuse for violence however are FUCKED. Wait, I am going to add to that. Anyone who feels that their religion is the RIGHT religion and other religions are wrong is FUCKED, anyone who believes they are better than others because they are of a certain religion is FUCKED. Everyone has every right to believe what they want. If what you believe says that you are right and everyone not of your specific religion is wrong then you are FUCKED. Just because people chose to interpret Him in different ways (one of those being non-existance) doesn't make ANYONE wrong. It is all our belief. Based on the statements I have made and my experience I am going to have to agree with Gonz and say MOST religious people are FUCKED.

My family is religious, they are not fucked. Infact none of the MANY religious people I know are fucked. But MOST religious people in the world are. Religions that believe they are the best, the ONLY, they are FUCKED, along with some sickos from other religions aswell.