God is non-existant

Gonz said:
Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked up.

BTW, my interstellar intellectual can beat up your abnormally supressive deity anytime.

hmmm....its 11:20pm....

do i really want to get into this now?
See the bold and italic sections. Those are the two categories he was referring to
I belittled religious zealots & the followers of such insanity. Those who follow Gods law are not included. Those who blaspheme Jehovah, for lack of better term, using his name in vain & claiming to be disciples of His & then use that power to swindle, rape, pillage, murder or otherwise take advantage of authority NOT granted by Him are fucked.
Gonz said:
I belittled religious zealots & the followers of such insanity. Those who blaspheme Jehovah, for lack of better term, using his name in vain & claiming to be disciples of His & then use that power to swindle, rape, pillage, murder or otherwise take advantage of authority NOT granted by Him are fuckd.

Which category do you count yourself LL?

the large line. God doesn't take advantage, according to his supposed texts. Humans do. Are what are human? Followers.
fury said:
See the bold and italic sections. Those are the two categories he was referring to
I belittled religious zealots & the followers of such insanity. Those who follow Gods law are not included. Those who blaspheme Jehovah, for lack of better term, using his name in vain & claiming to be disciples of His & then use that power to swindle, rape, pillage, murder or otherwise take advantage of authority NOT granted by Him are fucked.

No that is not right. He did NOT state that up there. He clearly said ALL religious followers are .[color]
We're all fucked in our own special ways, is that so bad? Some of the ways, I admit, are more pleasurable than others, but still, it's not like we have a choice, we're either fucked or we're fucked. :headbang:
fury - that was his 2nd statement. i quoted the first one. the one that started this.
Re-read Shadowfax's sig line. You assumed I meant all. I did not write it so I did not mean to say it.
fury - that was his 2nd statement. i quoted the first one. the one that started this.
I posted that in response to LL's message about not understanding what Gonz meant. Sorry if you thought it was directed at you :)
fury said:
Perhaps, but by that statement he indicated that I'm fucked, my family is fucked, most of my friends are fucked, some of my coworkers are fucked, and just about more than 3/4th of the world are fucked... Oh we are so doooomed... :rolleye:
Spot, I stand by what I wrote. Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked.

Nobody asked me to defime the terms of my statement so I haven't fully clarified them. I have, however, hinted quite clearly at the meaning. Had I written ALL followers are fucked, then I would be wrong & violating the AUP. It's not what I meant & it's not what I wrote.
It's a message board. People post messages. Religion battles often involve people taking one thing in a completely different way than was intended. Didn't you see this one coming a mile away? If you don't want to be offended, stay out of religious threads. :headbang:
Gonz said:
Re-read Shadowfax's sig line. You assumed I meant all. I did not write it so I did not mean to say it.
That wasn't an assumption. It reads like that.

Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked up.[/siz]

Lets take it slowly. You say religion is fine. Then you start of with "It's", referencing possession of religion. "Followers" are plural, and read in context with the "it's" indicating the followers of religion. So, reading the rest of the sentence clearly indicates that the followers of religion are fucked up.[/siz]

Since I'm a follower of religion, I'm therefore fucked up.[/siz]

What part of that don't you get? You wrote that religious followers are fucked up. I'm religious. Therefore I'm fucked. Isn't that beautiful?

Where the fuck do you get sudden power to only mean certain followers? You should have stated that. But you didn't. Therefore it indicates all because there WAS NO EXCEPTION listed. But I'm fucked, so my logic holds no water. :rolleyes:
Gonz said:
Spot, I stand by what I wrote. Religion is fine. It's followers are fucked.

Nobody asked me to defime the terms of my statement so I haven't fully clarified them. I have, however, hinted quite clearly at the meaning. Had I written ALL followers are fucked, then I would be wrong & violating the AUP. It's not what I meant & it's not what I wrote.

:rolleyes: So wonderful.
That's the beauty of the English language, it's words are so easy to rearrange and be able to mean a completely different meaning than the original sentence. :rolleyes:

So, reading the rest of the sentence clearly indicates that the followers of religion are fucked up.
*pulls har out*
gonz - i read the initial statment to say that since my g/f follows a religion, she is fucked.
i know you have no way of knowing that she is religious and that the statement wasn't a personal attack, i just found the statement to be very flippant.