Going ga-ga (what to do?)


Well-Known Member
Hello all...
Here's a nice question:
Let's say you've just gone absolutely apeshit...your brain's flipped it's last hamburger and the men in nice white coats' beepers have gone off.

In other words...you're insane.

What would be yor favorite way of expressing this insanity...in a short period of time, probably ending in your death?

Mine: I have a few...but I always wanted to try the whole "Get dressed in a clown suit, and climb a tower downtown with a high powered rifle (with scope) and start thinning out the neighborhood" method...but there might be others

Avoiding Clowns

Well...In a tight fix...I might just rent out a "barny the dinosaur" costume instead...but with those little arms, i don't see how I could shoot straight.

#2 - Taking on the local gang, Rambo-style, but using only water balloons and super-soakers. BONSAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bonsai!!!!

The South of Montreal's not bad really...only 1 decent mental hospital with weekend passes...your odds are good of surviving
Oh, on topic, a jeep cheeroke and a full tank of gas going the wrong way up the Metropolitan highway. Elevated span.
I would hunt, stalk, and kill the guy who came up with the idea of edited softcore pornos on Cinemax with an ice cream scooper for comitting crimes against nature. having a plotless prono WITHOUT PORN is just a travesty.
Hahahaha...couldn't agree w/ you more Unc.

Good reason to kill someone.
An icecream scooper tho? Too sharp! Too quick!

#3 slaughter someone for no apparent reason and cut them up...then put the pieces nicely on shelves in alphabetical order, starting with Aureole and ending with Zygote.:eek:
are you in some way obsessed by death, MrBishop? :hmm:

either way....i'm glad you live south of montreal somewhere and i'm in the netherlands. just in case.
Hmm... I reckon he could still get you. Maybe with a clown-shaped spaceship full of poo and Olbas Oil.
good point. mhhh....what to do....

that's it. i'm moving to south of montreal somewhere...there he'll least expect me.
You don't know what Olbas Oil is, do you?

No Blu Tak, no Olbas Oil... Holland is practically a third-world country. :eyemouth:
we do have internet connection, and we do have google.

so i do know :p

and i found something similiar to Blu Tak...works like a charm under those speakers...

and for the last time it's THE NETHERLANDS!

i'm hurt. no really. i am.
i know you said that to annoy me. you succeeded.

i have no idea where that "holland" is you speak of....not somewhere near where i live anyway :)

i actually went to take a look at the fucking box to check whether you mailed it to the netherlands or to holland....:D lol :D