Goodbye Sovereignty, old friend

paul_valaru said:
get a clue, the US is not the be all and end all.

Like it or not, the United States is the SOLE reason we have any form of worldwide peace & is the SOLE reason why democratic governments & civil rights exist. Humanitarianism isn't possible without a big brother & his big stick.
Gonz said:
Like it or not, the United States is the SOLE reason we have any form of worldwide peace & is the SOLE reason why democratic governments & civil rights exist. Humanitarianism isn't possible without a big brother & his big stick.

Look at all the democracies that were around before 1776. Hell, look at all the democracies that were around before 1919.
I'm quite aware of our status. You are (intentionally?) missing the bigger picture.

Democratic forms of government were extremely limited prior to WW1. Once we started playing on the international scene, it took less than 100 years for major worldwide political changes to occur...all bettering mankinds lease on life. Without our standing up to dictators & tyrants, the rest of the world was hesitant to get involved (hey...kinda like 2006). Because of the USA & it's big stick, people were willing to stand up & be counted. Then, some of you said the stick was too big. Some of us know better & have non-revisionist hindsight.

In no way am I suggesting we did it alone. I am saying that without the USA, the rest would never have happened.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Glad someone up there finally noticed.

Send the letter to Washington. I'm sure it can be arranged. But ya might wanna think first (weird concept for a Lib I know, but try it sometime you might like it). If you piss us off, you'll need a military of your own. In case some fifth world country decides they want...whatever it is you have. You'll lose almost 50 bucks a year in tourism. That'd be a sizable chunk of the GNP I'd imagine. That would severely limit your funding to "clean up our mess in Afghanistan". Might even lose one of the army's armored snowmobiles.

i'm sorry, who do you mean by "us?"

doesn't seem like the CSA is doing much these days.

so now yer part of the rest of 'merica when it's convenient?
And the major movement that started worldwide democracy was the establishment of a parliment in england. Also the Magna Carta.

From that point on it was a snowball effect slowly building and still is building to the final conclusion which I think will be a worldwide global elected Representative democracy gov't voted in on a Proportinal system, not a population system.

The US has played a role in the history of democracy, but so have other countries, and I don't think the role the US has played has overshadowed the other countries. Your famous "bringing demorcacy to the world" agenda has been mostly replacing legal (though not democratic) goverments with puppet democratic goverments putting in leaders who are in line with your own agendas, hence it is not even real democracy. That lead countries who want to become democratic to avoid asking the US for help.
Originally Posted by paul_valaru
get a clue, the US is not the be all and end all.

heh wanna bet?

Gawd I'm glad I'm an American!

Must suck to be anything less

puny ~30 million person nations heh like they matter?

"you call that a Nation??"
paul_valaru said:
and beleive it or not we have a military.

get a clue, the US is not the be all and end all.

No one's ever seen them. Must be stuck in an igloo.

Your other statement I agree with. It's not the be all and end all. But it sure as hell keeps youse guys safer. Oh yahh. You betcha.
Leslie said:
Cause working at cross purposes at shared borders is sooooo much better. We shouldn't be able to call anymore to let you know what we know. You are BRILLIANT!!

As to the other load of crap you spewed there, try reading something that's not old and tired spoonfed propaganda and you might end up accurate once in a while.

2minkey said:
canada got involved in WWII before the US did. hey, wait, that was actually a JUST war! maybe we're onto something!

And at the time, Canada was part of the United Kingdom. Still is a commonwealth, I believe. You may now recommence with your ranting about just and unjust wars because there are no such things.
Gonz said:
I'm quite aware of our status. You are (intentionally?) missing the bigger picture.

Democratic forms of government were extremely limited prior to WW1. Once we started playing on the international scene, it took less than 100 years for major worldwide political changes to occur...all bettering mankinds lease on life. Without our standing up to dictators & tyrants, the rest of the world was hesitant to get involved (hey...kinda like 2006). Because of the USA & it's big stick, people were willing to stand up & be counted. Then, some of you said the stick was too big. Some of us know better & have non-revisionist hindsight.

In no way am I suggesting we did it alone. I am saying that without the USA, the rest would never have happened.

I dare say Oliver Cromwell might dispute that.
I dated a Cromwell for a little while in highschool.

My Stuart grampa was PISSED.
There have been conferences, academic papers, mock student parliaments and secret meetings on a confederation of the U.S., Canada and Mexico into future North American Union, but, until now, few officials of any of the three countries have publicly called for the creation of a European Union-style merger.

In a panel discussion on U.S.-Mexico relations last Tuesday at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Enrique Berruga, Mexico's ambassador to the United Nations, came right out and said a North American Union is needed – and even provided a deadline.

Berruga said the merger must be complete in the next eight years before the U.S. baby boomer retirement wave hits full force.


tied in here
and they STILL aren't listening.

Bush Holds Joint Press Conference With Mexican President, Canadian PM

waiting for the written story.